Third and Fourth Year Teaching
We offer three electives to students from the University of Rochester during the third and fourth year. We also can provide elective to visiting students during their fourth year. These provide students exposure to the breadth of family medicine by including inpatient and outpatient rotations. Students can rotate in the residency program clinics at Highland Family Medicine or at Brown Square Health Center. We also have relationships with family medicine doctors in the community and can arrange both inner city, suburban and rural elective experiences. Please see the links below for further information. The inpatient experience involves rotating with the Family Medicine team at Highland Hospital. We have an Acting Internship for Family Medicine at the University of Rochester, as well.
The Global Health Elective is an opportunity to travel to Honduras with our residency program during its biannual (October and May) trip. There is an application for each trip as space is limited. Please see our Global Health Program web page for further information about this trip. This elective is available to medical students at the end of their third year and fourth year. Please contact Dr. Elizabeth Brown if you are interested in applying for this elective.

Tom Campbell, M.D. precepts student Edith Hui.
Other special electives may also be arranged by contacting individual faculty, or facilitated through Dr. Nina Piazza.