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URMC / Fitness Center / Programs


Leagues - open to all UR affiliates & their spouses.

badminton    Badminton

A fun recreational league that plays evenings around 5-6 pm right in College Town (free parking). Cost is $12 for 6 weeks (discount for members) and equipment is provided. Call 275-2437 for information or email us your registration form.

soccer ball

Coed Soccer

A fall league that is played at Genesee Valley Park on Tuesdays around 5:30p. All levels are welcome for this recreational and fun coed league. Teams will be formed each week based on players available - we have found that this will allow players to keep it interesting by being on a team with different players each week. If interested, please complete the registration form and email to us. The cost is $15 for 5 weeks, with a discount for Fitness Center members. Call 275-2437 or email us with any questions.