Saturday Work 11/5
Crews will be onsite this Saturday 11/5 from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. working on installing windows, siding, and possibly roofing on the new tower.
During the week, crews will be using the tower crane and buck hoist to move materials to various floors of the building. Crews will be finishing drywall, painting, and installing mechanicals inside. Window, siding, and hunter panel installation continues on various parts on the outside of the building. Roofing continues on the top of the mechanical penthouse.
These activities are expected to produce typical levels of construction noise but no vibrations.
Later in November, crews will be working to raise the pavement area next to the new tower to be the same level as Mt. Vernon Ave. This activity is anticipated to generate some minor vibration, and more details will be sent out via this blog as we get closer to this work occurring.
Wendy Boyce | 11/3/2022
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