Lab Members
Lab Members
Principal Investigator
Research Interest: Identify the expression patterns of the major categories of stem and progenitor cells of the adult human brain and to use that information to define the signaling pathways that distinguish one progenitor from another, as well as those that distinguish brain tumor stem and progenitor cells from their normal counterparts.
Research Interest:
Development of new analytical methods to better understand in-vivo dynamics of glial replacement
Research Interest: The use of gene therapeutic strategies to induce and regulate neurogenesis from endogenous neural stem cells in the adult mammalian brain, with a particular emphasis on developing this as a therapeutic strategy in Huntington's disease.
Research Interest: Generation of iPSC and hESC-derived glial progenitor cells for cell therapy.
Research Interest: Transcriptomic and epigenetic regulation of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Application of machine learning techniques to characterize and assess the quality of engineered glial cells.
Research Interest: Multi-omic bulk and single cell sequencing analyses of human glial chimeric mice to unravel the transcriptional underpinnings of human glial dysfunction in disease.
Research Interest:
Generation of human-glial chimeric mice to model and evaluate cell therapeutic interventions of CNS disease.
Research Interest: Focusing on preclinical and clinical translation of Glia
Progenitor Cells
Research Interest:
Surgical and histological techniques to support in vivo analysis of human glial progenitor cells in chimerized brain models for the goal of translating therapies in glial based neurodegenerative disorders.
Postdoctoral Scholars
Jose Cano, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Associate
Yuki Inagaki, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Associate
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Staff
Hannah Aichelman, Ph.D.
Sr. Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Sr. Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Afreen Alam
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Alisa Becevic
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
William Borden
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Eden Cox
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Jessica Danner
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Ronald DeFauw
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Anya Filosi
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Madison Jaynes
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Xiaojie Li
Sr. Research Specialist
Sr. Research Specialist
Carter Long
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Cathryn Mangiamele
Sr. Research Specialist
Sr. Research Specialist
Tyler Reid, M.S.
IT Desktop Support/Programmer
IT Desktop Support/Programmer
Dennis Salinas Mejia
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Rajiv Snape
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Bioinformatics Analyst/Programmer
Jadyn Terwilliger
Nicholas White
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Anna Wilton
Research Specialist
Research Specialist
Research Assistants
Victoria Bermeo
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Keerthana Danasekaran
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Nancy Fan
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Emma Gemberling
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Abigail Iseson
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Thulasi Ram
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Olivia Zhang
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student
Madeleine Zimmerman
Undergraduate Student
Undergraduate Student