
Mark Buckley, Ph.D.
Biomedical Engineering
Research Focus: Viscoelasticity in soft biological tissues; soft tissue aging, disease and repair

Paul D. Funkenbusch, Ph.D.
Mechanical Engineering
Research Focus: Relationships among the microstructure, properties, and processing of materials
Krystel Huxlin, Ph.D.
Research Focus: Understanding how the damaged, adult visual system can repair itself
Edmund Kwok, Ph.D.
Imaging Sciences
Research Focus: MRI research in high resolution imaging, RF coil development, brain functional MRI, MRI perfusion and diffusion, image post processing

Suzanne Maher, Ph.D.
HSS Research Institute
Research Focus: To develop biomaterials for joint restoration that can be used to treat young active patients with chondral or meniscal defects early in the course of the problem, thus delaying the need for a total joint replacement.
Geunyoung Yoon, Ph.D.
Research Focus: Optics of the eye