1983. A defect in L-system amino acid transport in B-cell chronic leukemic lymphocytes: Multi-component analysis. Presented at the CN-UCLA Symposia, Steamboat Springs, CO.
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1980. The three-dimensional world. Presented at the Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY.
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1979. Methods for improved resolution and absorption correction in emission tomography. Presented at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
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1978. A model for the control of potassium transport in PHA-stimulated human blood lymphocytes. Presented at the 12th International Leukocyte Culture Conference, Soroka Medical Center, Beersheba, Israel.
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1976. Absorption correction in radionuclide axial tomography. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Medical Physics, Ottawa, Canada.
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1973. Comparison of methods for radionuclide tomography. Presented at the RSNA Work-In-Progress Session, Chicago, IL.
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1973. Comparison of methods for radionuclide tomography. Presented at the RSNA Work-In-Progress Session, Chicago, IL.
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1973. Radionuclide three-dimensional spatial imaging. Presented at the 21st Annual Meeting, Association of University Radiologists, Vancouver, BC.
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1973. Digital reconstruction of three-dimensional radionuclide images. Presented at the 20th Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami Beach, FL.
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1972. Quantitative perspectives on the long-term behavioral toxicity of methylmercury. Presented at the Proceedings of the 5th Rochester International Conference on Environmental Toxicity, Rochester, NY.
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1969. Pattern recognition and image processing: Internal structure from X-ray images. Presented at the International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Chicago, IL.
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1966. Laminar flow in a circular tube in longitudinal motion. Presented at the Engineering Mechanics Division of Division Specialty Conference, Washington, D.C..
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1965. The use of a small computer in the physiology laboratory. Presented at the 1965 Meeting of Northeast Electronics Research and Engineering, Boston, MA.
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1964. Digital computer analysis of intercellular microelectrode recordings of neuronal activity. Presented at the Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Chicago, IL.