Recent Publications
Recent Publications
- Letter to the editor: the RO1 grant bottleneck.; Blood cells, molecules & diseases; Vol 51(1). 2013 Jun.
- Should we still be focused on red cell hemoglobin F as the principal explanation for the salutary effect of hydroxyurea in sickle cell disease?; Pediatric blood & cancer; Vol 57(1). 2011 Jul 15.
- Should Aspirin be Discontinued at Age 80?; Annals of Internal Medicine; Vol 150, pp. 396-404. 2009 Jan 01.
- Early allogeneic stem cell transplantation for chronic myelogenous leukemia in the imatinib era: a preliminary assessment.; Blood cells, molecules & diseases; Vol 37(2). 2006 Sep.
- Na+ Channel Reorganization in Demyelinated Axons. In Multiple Sclerosis as a Neuronal Disease; Edited by Stephen G. Waxman . Elsevier Academic Press. 2005 Jan 01.
- The role of the ankyrin-binding protein NrCAM in node of Ranvier formation.; The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience; Vol 23(31). 2003 Nov 5.
- Silent latency periods in methylmercury poisoning and in neurodegenerative disease.; Environmental health perspectives; Vol 110 Suppl 5. 2002 Oct.
- Neurons may live for decades with neurofibrillary tangles.; Journal of neuropathology and experimental neurology; Vol 58(2). 1999 Feb.
- A simple stereoscopic endoscope.; JSLS : Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons / Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons; Vol 2(1). 1998 Jan.
- A method of estimating the loss of life expectancy from lifetime exposure to low dose rate radiation; Journal of the Franklin Institute; Vol 332A(3), pp. 93-100. 1995 Jan 01.
- The influence of life table corrections for smokers and nonsmokers on the health effects of radon using the BEIR (biological effects of ioniziing radiation) IV method.; Health physics; Vol 66(6). 1994 Jun.
- Effect of debt level on the residency preferences of graduating medical students.; Academic medicine : journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges; Vol 68(7). 1993 Jul.
- Determining person-years of life lost using the BEIR V method.; Health physics; Vol 64(5). 1993 May.
- The effect of debt level on the residency preferences of graduating medical students; Academic Medicine,; Vol 68(3), pp. 570-572. 1993 Jan 01.
- Age related rejoining of broken chromosomes in human leukocytes following X-irradiation.; Mechanisms of ageing and development; Vol 65(2-3). 1992 Sep.
- Is bioimpedance a good predictor of body-composition change?; The American journal of clinical nutrition; Vol 56(1). 1992 Jul.
- Upper and lower time limits in the decision to recommend marrow transplantation for patients with chronic myelogenous leukaemia.; British journal of haematology; Vol 70(1). 1988 Sep.
- Anatomy helper: computer-assisted anatomy instruction.; Computer methods and programs in biomedicine; Vol 26(1). 1988 Jan.
- Public School Teaching: An Alternative; Science. 1987 Jan 01.
- Variables influencing the timing of marrow transplantation in patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia.; Blood; Vol 68(5). 1986 Nov.
- Cell counts in cerebral cortex of an autistic patient.; Journal of autism and developmental disorders; Vol 15(3). 1985 Sep.
- Multicomponent analysis of amino acid transport in human lymphocytes. Diminished L-system transport in chronic leukemic B lymphocytes.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 74(1). 1984 Jul.
- A multicomponent analysis of amino acid transport systems in human lymphocytes. 1. Kinetic parameters of the A and L systems and pathways of uptake of naturally occurring amino acids in blood lymphocytes.; Journal of cellular physiology; Vol 116(3). 1983 Sep.
- The activation of lymphocyte plasma membrane (Na,K)-ATPase by EGTA is explained better by zinc than calcium chelation.; The Journal of biological chemistry; Vol 256(13). 1981 Jul 10.
- Attenuation correction in gamma emission computed tomography.; Journal of computer assisted tomography; Vol 5(1). 1981 Feb.
- A high resolution interactive image scanner.; IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering; Vol 27(8). 1980 Aug.
- Avoiding megamouse experiments.; Journal of toxicology and environmental health; Vol 6(4). 1980 Jul.
- The scientific laboratory instrument to computer coupler.; IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering; Vol 27(1). 1980 Jan.
- Regulation of sodium and potassium transport in phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human blood lymphocytes.; The Journal of clinical investigation; Vol 64(3). 1979 Sep.
- Radionuclide axial tomography by half back-projection.; Physics in medicine and biology; Vol 23(1). 1978 Jan.
- Parasinusoidal location of megakaryocytes in marrow: a determinant of platelet release.; American journal of hematology; Vol 4(4). 1978.
- The parasinusoidal location of megakaryocytes in marrow: a determinant of platelet release and a physiologic version of vascular invasion and metastasis.; Transactions of the Association of American Physicians; Vol 90. 1977.
- Direct measurement of red blood cell profiles; Three-Dimensional Imaging: Proceedings of SPIE's Twenty-first International Technical Symposium and Instrument Display, San Diego, CA; Vol 120(3). 1977 Jan 01.
- Semi-automatic tracking of neuronal processes; Computer Analysis of Neuronal Structures, Computers in Biology and Medicine, series editor Dr. George Moore, Plenum Press, NY. 1977 Jan 01.
- A spinning mirror, autostereoscopic display; Three-Dimensional Imaging: Proceedings of SPIE's Twenty-first International Technical Symposium and Instrument Display, San Diego, CA; Vol 120(3). 1977 Jan 01.
- Three-dimensional measurements from scanning electron micrographs by electron scribing.; The Review of scientific instruments; Vol 47(4). 1976 Apr.
- Appendix In: Potassium transport in human blood lymphocytes treated with phytohemagglutinin by Segel, G.B. and Lichtman; M.A., Journal of Clinical Investigation; Vol 58(3). 1976 Jan 01.
- Absorption correction in radionuclide axial tomography; Presented at Fourth International Conference on Medical Physics, Ottawa, Canada. 1976 Jan 01.
- The metabolism of labeled parathyroid hormone. III. Studies in rats.; Calcified tissue research; Vol 18(4). 1975 Sep 17.
- A three-dimensional computer display; Computer Graphics and Image Processing; Vol 4(3). 1975 Jan 01.
- Radionuclide axial tomography corrected for internal gamma ray absorption; Information Processing in Scinitigraphy: Proceedings of the IVth International Conference, Orsay, France. 1975 Jan 01.
- Radionuclide tomographic image reconstruction using Fourier transform techniques.; Journal of nuclear medicine : official publication, Society of Nuclear Medicine; Vol 15(11). 1974 Nov.
- Back-to-the-wall" effect?; Science, Nov. 1971, Jan 1974; Wall Street Journal, October 15, 1974. 1974 Jan 01.
- Applied Comparison of Methods for Radionucleotide Transverse Section Tomography; In Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nuclear Medicine. World Federation of Nuclear Medicine and Biology. 1974 Jan 01.
- Experience with development of techniques of transverse section tomography as applied to; Techniques of Three-Dimensional Reconstruction: Proceedings of an International Workshop held at Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY. 1974 Jan 01.
- Automated three-dimensional dendrite tracking system.; Electroencephalography and clinical neurophysiology; Vol 35(2). 1973 Aug.
- Ciné ultrasound cardiography.; Radiology; Vol 107(1). 1973 Apr.
- Computer techniques for radionuclide transverse section tomography and spatial (three-dimensional) imaging; Proceedings of the 3rd Symposium on Sharing of Computer Programs and Technology in Nuclear Medicine, USAEC, Oak Ridge. 1973 Jan 01.
- Radionuclide three-dimensional spatial imaging; 21st Annual Meeting, Association of University Radiologists, Vancouver, BC. 1973 Jan 01.
- Digital reconstruction of three-dimensional radionuclide images; 20th Annual Meeting, Society of Nuclear Medicine, Miami Beach. 1973 Jan 01.
- Comparison of methods for radionuclide tomography; Presented at RSNA Work-In-Progress Session, Chicago, November 28, 1973 and an updated version at "Optics in Diagnostic Medicine," Tucson, Arizona, January 10, 1974. 1973 Jan 01.
- Reconstruction of radionuclide tomograms by the convolution method; Application of Optical Instrumentation in Medicine II. Proceedings, SPIE, Palos. 1973 Jan 01.
- Quantitative perspectives on the long-term behavioral toxicity of methylmercury; Proceedings of 5th Rochester International Conference on Environmental Toxicity. University of Rochester, New York. 1972 Jan 01.
- A scheme for accelerated floating point operation in small computers.; Computers and biomedical research, an international journal; Vol 3(3). 1970 Jun.
- A method of exponential separation applicable to small computers.; Physics in medicine and biology; Vol 15(2). 1970 Apr.
- The Rochester Ultimate Weapon. A high speed real-time interpretive computer language for biologists.; Medical & biological engineering; Vol 8(2). 1970 Mar.
- Reaching across the void.; Journal of medical education; Vol 45(1). 1970 Jan.
- A method of producing a three-dimensional cathode ray tube display; Behavioral Research Methods and Instrumentation; Vol 1(3). 1969 Jan 01.
- Pattern recognition and image processing: Internal structure from X-ray images; International Conference on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Chicago. 1969 Jan 01.
- Urea kinetics and the direct measurement of the synthetic rate of albumin utilizing [14C]carbonate.; Clinical science; Vol 35(3). 1968 Dec.
- A kinetic model of metabolism essential to differentiation in Dictyostelium discoideum.; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America; Vol 60(2). 1968 Jun.
- SNAP an interpretive real-time computer language for biology.; Medical & biological engineering; Vol 6(1). 1968 Jan.
- Responses of Golgi tendon organs to forces applied to muscle tendon.; Journal of neurophysiology; Vol 30(6). 1967 Nov.
- Semi-automatic remote gas-liquid chromatographic analysis; Journal of Gas Chromatography; Vol 5(3). 1967 Jan 01.
- Arterial pressure pulse contours during hemorrhage in anesthetized dogs.; Journal of applied physiology; Vol 21(6). 1966 Nov.
- SNAP: Simplified numerical analysis and plotting program; Journal of the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation. 1966 Jan 01.
- Laminar flow in a circular tube in longitudinal motion; Engineering Mechanics Division of Division Specialty Conference, Washington, D.C.. 1966 Jan 01.
- Photomicrography of deep fields.; The Review of scientific instruments; Vol 36(11). 1965 Nov.
- The real-time sorting of neuro-electric action potentials in multiple unit studies; Electro-Encephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology; Vol 18(3). 1965 Jan 01.
- Digital computer analysis of intercellular microelectrode recordings of neuronal activity; Meeting of the Biophysical Society, Chicago. 1964 Jan 01.