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Comprehensive Sarcoidosis Program

WASOG (World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders) Center of Excellence

Sarcoidosis is a systemic inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body. The objective of this program is to provide comprehensive care to patients with multi-organ sarcoidosis or difficult to treat sarcoidosis. We have established a team of physicians at the University of Rochester dedicated to caring for patients with multisystem sarcoidosis. We are also the region’s only certified WASOG (World Association of Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders) Center of Excellence.

Learn more about cardiac sarcoidosis.

R. Matthew Kottman, MD

R. Matthew Kottman, MD
 Pulmonary Director


Referrals to the center can be made by contacting the Pulmonology Clinic at (585) 275-4161 or the Advanced Heart Failure Program at (585) 273-3760.

Our Specialists

Pulmonary Co-Director: Irene Perillo, MD
Pulmonology: David Nagel, MD, PhD
Cardiac MRI Imaging: David Dombroski, MD
Cardiac PET Imaging: Ronald Schwartz, MD, MS
Electrophysiology: Mehmet Aktas, MD, MBA
Endocrinology: Inga Harbuz-Miller, MD
Nephrology: Catherine Moore, MD
Neurology: Jessica Robb, MD
Ophthalmology: Vamsi Gullapalli, MD, PhD
Rheumatology: Christopher Palma, MD, ScM
Heart Failure Nurse Practitioner: Megan Dierks, NP
Pulmonology Nurse Practitioner: Tina Parmenter, NP

Latest News

Sarcoidosis Program Named Center of Excellence

December 7, 2020

We are extremely proud to announce the Comprehensive Sarcoidosis Program was recently named one of 14 programs in the nation—and 23 in the world—to earn Center of Excellence designation by the World Association for Sarcoidosis and Other Granulomatous Disorders and the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research.

The team is the only multidisciplinary sarcoidosis center in the region, drawing patients from across the state.

Sarcoidosis causes inflammation of several organs, most commonly the lungs and lymph nodes. It also affects the heart, liver, kidneys, eyes and skin, creating damaging scars that lead to more serious problems.

The sarcoid program includes experts from diverse specialties who provide the full complement of care patients need.

The Center of Excellence designation follows detailed analysis of the program’s best practices, research, training and support for patients and specialists.