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Grading Policy for SMD Graduate Programs

This policy is in reference to the University of Rochester Regulations and University Policies Concerning Graduate Studies.

The School of Medicine and Dentistry requires satisfactory academic performance and accomplishment in research and coursework for all students. This satisfactory performance is mandatory for continuation in good academic standing in the graduate program.

Grading System

Grades for graduate students are reported on one of two systems. A grade of E is considered a failing grade. Students do not receive academic credit for a failing grade and must retake any courses required for their program in which they receive a failing grade. Failing grades should be assigned to students who have not mastered course content sufficiently to progress.

  1. A (excellent), A–, B+, B (good), B–, C (poor), and E (failure)
  2. S (satisfactory) and E (failure)

Grading Policy for PhD Programs

Grades of B- or better are required for satisfactory performance in the PhD program. One grade below B- in any course or research experience is cause for review of overall performance and will result in academic probation for the duration of graduate study. A second grade below B- is basis for dismissal from the PhD program.

Grading Policy for Master’s and Advanced Certificate Programs

First Grade Below B-

Upon receiving one grade below B- in any course or research experience:

  • The student must meet with the program director for review, to evaluate any necessary supports, and to document a plan intended to enable the student to successfully complete the graduate program.
  • The program director will notify the Office for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs (GEPA) and provide a copy of the documented plan to be placed in the student’s academic file.
  • GEPA will issue a letter to the student notifying them that they have received an academic warning. The letter will be placed in the student’s academic file with the improvement plan.

Second Grade Below B-

Upon receiving a second grade below B- in any course or research experience:

  • The student must meet with the program director and the Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs to evaluate their standing in the graduate program.
  • A second grade below B- may result in disciplinary action such as being placed on academic probation or dismissal from the graduate program.
  • GEPA will issue a letter to the student notifying them of the final determination. The letter will be placed in the student’s academic file along with any associated documentation.
  • Note: at the program director’s discretion, students receiving their first and second grade below B- in the same semester may be handled according to the First Grade Below B- process.

Academic Support Services

Access and Disability Services and Support

SMD offers a variety of access and disability services for students to provide an inclusive experience and equal access to training program requirements.

Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL)

CETL offers study skills support to graduate students at the University of Rochester, including those in the SMD.


Contact your Graduate Program Coordinator.

University of Rochester Tuition Benefits Program

Students receiving tuition benefits from the University of Rochester tuition benefits program should review their eligibility as it relates to passing grades and retaking courses. Students who have questions about their tuition benefits should contact Human Resources directly. The Office for Graduate Education and Postdoctoral Affairs cannot advise students regarding their University of Rochester tuition benefits.