New York Home Visiting | News | Useful Tools | Websites
New York Home Visiting
The New York State Department of Health has begun an initiative to improve maternal and child health by increasing access to evidence based home visiting programs. A critical aspect of this process is ensuring that all eligible women are being referred to available programs.
Review details below for informational and promotional materials related to the home visiting programs Nurse-Family Partnership and Healthy Families New York.
Eligibility Criteria
Nurse-Family Partnership
- First time mother
- Low-income (WIC or Medicaid eligible)
- Enrolled no later than 28 weeks (7 months) gestation
- Live in targeted area/ county
More information at:
Healthy Families New York
- "At-risk" pregnant or parenting families of newborns less than 3 months old
- No age restriction on age of parents or number of pregnancies
- Family must reside in target area
More information at:
MCH Home Visiting Toolkit
The New York State Department of Health has begun an initiative to improve maternal and child health by increasing access to evidence based home visiting programs. A critical aspect of this process is ensuring that all eligible women are being referred to available programs.
When on the site, click through the other tabs to view informational and promotional materials related to the home visiting programs Nurse-Family Partnership and Healthy Families New York.
For additional information on other evidence based home visiting programs in New York State, visit the "Resources" found at
Recorded Webinars
Public Health Detailing: Promoting Evidence Based Home Visiting
Healthy Families New York
- Healthy Families New York - Poster
- Healthy Families New York - Brochure
- Research Brief: Healthy Families New York Prevents Child Maltreatment
- Research Brief: Healthy Families New York Promotes Success at School
- Research Brief:Reducing Low Birth Weight through Home Visitation
Nurse-Family Partnership
- Nurse-Family Partnership - Poster 8x11 8x17
- Nurse-Family Partnership - Client Brochure
- Nurse-Family Partnership - Provider Brochure
- Research Brief: Nurse-Family Partnership - Benefits and Costs
- Research Brief: Effects of Home Visiting on Maternal and Child Functioning
Evidence Based Home Visiting in New York State
Early Head Start
Locate an Early Head Start program
NYS Head Start Collaboration Project
Healthy Families New York
Locate a Healthy Families New York program
Nurse-Family Partnership
Locate a Nurse-Family Partnership program
Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Locate a Parents as Teachers program
Rehab Resources
Drug Rehab Connections
Addiction and Pregnancy: A Guide for Mothers
Additional Resources
New York State Department of Health
Maternal, Infant and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Initiative
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomeVEE)
Recent News
CDC’S Division of Reproductive Health Updates Webpage on Severe Maternal Morbidity
May 30, 2017 - CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health has updated the webpage on severe maternal morbidity (SMM). SMM includes unexpected outcomes of labor and delivery that result in significant short- or long-term consequences to a woman’s health. It affected more than 50,000 women in the U.S. from 2013 – 2014 and has been steadily increasing in recent years.
The recent web update provides the most current information about trends in SMM in the U.S. These data can be used as benchmarks for state- or city-level analyses. This web report also provides an updated list of 21 indicators and corresponding International Classification of Diseases (ICD) codes that health professionals can use to track SMM.
The consequences of the increasing SMM prevalence, in addition to the health effects for the woman, are wide-ranging and include increased medical costs and longer hospitalization stays. Tracking and understanding patterns of SMM, along with developing and carrying out interventions to improve the quality of maternal care are essential to reducing SMM.
Racial and Ethnic Trends in Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths: United States, 1995–2013
May 11, 2017 -
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Immediately after the 1994 Back-to-Sleep campaign, sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) rates decreased dramatically, but they have remained relatively stable (93.4 per 100 000 live births) since 2000. In this study, we examined trends in SUID rates and disparities by race/ethnicity since the Back-to-Sleep campaign.
METHODS: We used 1995–2013 US period-linked birth-infant death data to evaluate SUID rates per 100 000 live births by non-Hispanic white (NHW), non-Hispanic black (NHB), Hispanic, American Indian/Alaska Native, and Asian/Pacific Islander racial/ethnic groupings. To examine racial/ethnic disparities, we calculated rate ratios with NHWs as the referent group. Unadjusted linear regression was used to evaluate trends (P < .05) in rates and rate ratios. The distribution and rates of SUID by demographic and birth characteristics were compared for 1995–1997 and 2011–2013, and ?2 tests were used to evaluate significance.
RESULTS: From 1995 to 2013, SUID rates were consistently highest for American Indian/Alaska Natives, followed by NHBs. The rate for NHBs decreased significantly, whereas the rate for NHWs also declined, but not significantly. As a result, the disparity between NHWs and NHBs narrowed slightly. The SUID rates for Hispanics and Asian/Pacific Islanders were lower than the rates for NHWs and showed a significant decrease, resulting in an increase in their advantage over NHWs.
CONCLUSIONS: Each racial/ethnic group showed a unique trend in SUID rates since the Back-to-Sleep campaign. When implementing risk-reduction strategies, it is important to consider these trends in targeting populations for prevention and developing culturally appropriate approaches for racial/ethnic communities.
Full Article: Racial and Ethnic Trends in Sudden Unexpected Infant Deaths
Dating Matters Policy
May 4, 2017 - One important component of a comprehensive approach to teen dating violence prevention is ensuring that the best available data, evidence, and practice are included in policy development, implementation, and evaluation. The Dating Matters Guide to Informing Policy provides a framework for evaluating Teen Dating Violence (TDV) and TDV-related policies and synthesizing the information to inform policy.
Giving More Babies a Healthy Start in Life: An Anthem Foundation & March of Dimes Collaboration to Reduce Preterm Birth
April 2017 - One in every 10 babies born in the United States is born prematurely,1 and prematurity is the leading cause of death for newborns.2 Babies born prematurely—before 37 weeks gestation—can face numerous short- and long-term health issues, including breathing problems, difficulty with feedings, cerebral palsy, developmental delays, and vision and hearing impairments.3
Following eight years of steady decline,4 the U.S. preterm birth rate rose in 2015 to 9.6 percent.5 Racial and ethnic disparities and geographical variations in these preterm births are widespread.5Black women experience higher rates of preterm births than the national average.5 The Pacific Northwest has the lowest preterm birth rate, while southern states have the highest rates. In addition to the unfair toll on babies and their families, premature birth accounts for more than $26 billion annually in avoidable medical and societal costs.6
Tools You Can Use
Astho Maternal and Child Health
Before, Between & Beyond Pregnancy: Tool Kit
"Billion Dollar Bets" to Reduce Unintended Pregnancies
Breastfeeding Report Card: Progressing Toward National Breastfeeding Goals - United States, 2016
Breastfeeding Your Baby Brochure
Childhood Development Milestones - Checklists
A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders
Community Engagement Matters (Now More than Ever)
The Effect of an Increased Minimum Wage on Infant Mortality and Birth Weight
The Ethics of Dental Treatment during Pregnancy
Everyday Words for Public Health Communication
The First 1000 Days: Nourishing America's Future Report
Mixed methods evaluation of the Maternal-Newborn-Dashboard
mPINC New York 2015 - Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition & Care
NCHS Data Brief: Continued Declines in Teen Births in the US, 2015
NCHS Data Brief: Trends in Infant Mortality in the United States, 2005 - 2014
NYS DOH Maternal and Infant Community Health Collaboratives
NY: Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program
Overview of Perinatal Mood Disorder Treatment (MCH EPI Grand Rounds August 2016)
Post Partum Depression: Signs and Resources for Help
Preconception Health: The Role of Nutrition
Implementation Recommendations (WIC)
Promoting Oral Health During Pregnancy
White Paper: Opioid Use, Misuse, and Overdose in Women
Zika Virus: Protecting Pregnant Women and Babies
New York State Websites
ACT for Youth Center of Excellence
Combat Heroin and Prescription Drug Abuse
Comprehensive Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention (CAPP) Contractors
MIECHV Program Contacts by County
NYS Center of Excellence for Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services
NYS Department of Health - Maternal and Child Health Services Title V Block Grant Program
NYS Department of Health - Oral Health
NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS)
NYS Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence
NYS Regional Perinatal Centers
The Postpartum Resource Center of NY
School of Public Health at the University at Albany - Center for Public Health Continuing Education
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
National Websites
Administration for Children & Families - Resource Guide to Trauma Informed Human Services
Bedsider - Birth Control Support Network
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Child Development
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Childhood Milestones
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Community Health Worker Resources
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Health Education Materials for Women and Men
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Maternal Health
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - Zika Virus
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps - Action Center
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps - How Healthy is Your Community?
County Health Rankings & Roadmaps - What Works for Health
Family Voices Project IMPACT Toolkit
The First 1000 Days: Nourishing America's Future
Guttmacher Institute: Good reproductive health policy starts with credible research
Health Resources and Services Administration - Maternal and Child Health Bureau
March of Dimes: Prematurity Campaign Collaborative
National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare
National Child & Maternal Health Education Program
National Child Traumatic Stress Network
National Institute for Child Health and Human Development
National Institute for Child Health Quality (NICHQ)
National Institute for Health Care Management (NIHCM) - Pregnancy and Oral Health Webinar
National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center
National Preconception Health and Health Care Initiative
National Resource Center for Mental Health Promotion and Youth Violence Prevention
Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - Understanding Child Trauma
United States Breastfeeding Committee
Women, Infant, and Children (WIC)