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URMC / Center for RNA Biology / Events / RNA Collaborative Seminar Series


RNA Collaborative Seminar Series

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The RNA Collaborative seminar series consists of a number of RNA research centers worldwide working together to provide online seminars during and beyond the COVID-19 institutional shutdowns. The RNA Collaborative aims to cross-promote RNA research to strengthen and connect the RNA scientific community.

Scientists are welcome to present RNA-related research spanning from foundational discoveries to potential therapeutic applications. Host centers can choose to present one hour-long seminar, two 30-minute seminars, four poster sessions with introductory lightning talks, or a combination of talks and poster sessions.

Seminars are held virtually every other Wednesday, at either 10 am EST, 4 pm EST, or host chooses, and are recorded and made freely available for viewing on the RNA Collaborative YouTube Channel.

Please see the RNA Society-sponsored page for up-to-date seminar schedule information: RNA Collaborative

RNA Collaborative seminars are sponsored by the RNA Society and are organized by the following international RNA Centers (27 current members and growing):


Please email Liz at for more information or to be added to the seminar distribution list​.




RNA Collaborative, University of Rochester: "To what extent do mRNA stem-loops pause the translating ribosome?" & "The preQ1 riboswitch family uses multiple knotty strategies to control translation"

Dmitri Ermolenko, PhD; Joseph Wedekind, PhD - Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics; Member, UR Center for RNA Biology, URMC; Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics; Member, UR Center for RNA Biology, URMC

 Mar 01, 2023 @ 4:00 p.m.

Zoom Webinar Registration

Host: Lynne E. Maquat, PhD
