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Training in Environmental Health Biostatistics

Group photoOur T32 training grant “Training in Environmental Health Biostatistics” (T32ES007271) is funded by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences at NIH.

The grant was first awarded in 1992, and was successfully led by Dr. David Oakes for 20 years. The current Director, Dr. Sally W. Thurston, has led this grant since 2015. Dr. Matthew McCall became the Associate Director in 2022.

The goal of this program is to prepare qualified predoctoral and/or postdoctoral trainees for careers that have a significant impact on the health-related research needs of the country. The training environment is achieved by a collaboration between Biostatistics and Environmental Health Science (EHS) faculty trainers. A major component of this training includes collaboration on applied EHS projects, where each project is done under co-mentorship of a Biostatistics faculty trainer and an EHS faculty. These projects give the trainees opportunities to work on real problems in environmental health, learn about the application (often attending team meetings), provide needed statistical help under co-mentorship, and be a co-author on the resulting manuscript. Initial projects, which are generally of an applied nature, may lead to PhD thesis research, although this is not a requirement of T32 support. The program also provides training in good practices for reproducible research and for communication with non-statistician collaborators. Trainees for grant years 27 & 28

T32 trainers include Drs. Thurston, Oakes, McCall, Brent Johnson, Tanzy Love, Michael McDermott, and Rob Strawderman from Biostatistics, and Drs. Emily Barrett from Rutgers (formerly from OB/GYN and Public Health Science in Rochester), Deborah Cory-Slechta, Marissa Sobolewski, and Martha Susiarjo from Environmental Medicine, and Drs. Elaine Hill, David Rich, Todd Jusko, and Edwin van Wijngaarden from Public Health Sciences.

The grant supports three doctoral students and one postdoctoral fellow each year. Predoctoral trainees for this training program are selected from among eligible students enrolled in the Statistics PhD program. Postdoctoral fellows should have a doctoral degree in (bio)statistics, epidemiology, computational biology, data science, environmental health, or a related field. All trainees must be US citizens or non-citizen nationals of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residency.