Population Health Coordinating Collaborative
Population Health Coordinating Collaborative
The Population Health Coordinating Collaborative (PHCC), formerly the Population Health Coordinating Committee, is an interdisciplinary, interdepartmental group made up of faculty, staff, trainees, and students that serves as a resource to advance research and education programs in population health and community engagement at the University of Rochester. This collaborative evolved over time from the Community Health Interest Group, which began in 2006 and brought together URMC faculty and staff with a strong interest in information sharing and collaboration around work in population health and health equity.
The PHCC collaborates with clinical and community service programs across the University, and fosters discussion about relevant events, activities, developments and progress at local, regional and national levels. The PHCC meets every other month and is convened by the Center for Community Health & Prevention and the University of Rochester Clinical & Translational Science Institute (CTSI). To inquire about membership, contact the Center for Community Health & Prevention.
NEXT MEETING: January 23, 2025
Members (or new members) are now asked to register before joining the meeting. This can be done ahead of time or before joining the meeting on the day of the meeting (registration is only required once.)
NEW MEETING SEGMENT: Members of our health equity research networks and the rest of the University community are invited to participate in Health Equity in Progress. This 20-30 minute segment of the meeting features exciting updates from Health Equity Research Core Investigators on research being conducted to address health inequities throughout our region, as well as opportunities to identify potential collaborators and facilitate greater partnership. The goal is to share the ongoing and developing work that individuals and teams are leading across health equity research, population health, and community engagement.
Faculty from a variety of departments, focused on community and population health, also have the opportunity to have secondary appointments in the Center for Community Health & Prevention. To date, 39 faculty have secondary appointments. Specifics on the committee can be found here in the Charter. For additional information about the PHCC and the process for faculty secondary appointments, please contact John Cullen, PhD, strategic director of Population Health for the CTSI, and interim director of the Susan B. Anthony Center at the University of Rochester, or Laura Sugarwala, MBA, RD, director of Community Health Partnerships.
Included among the PHCC’s accomplishments:
- Developed the annual Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Awards to increase professional recognition for exemplary community-engaged work.
- Created the Community Health Mini-Grant Program to help enhance university-community partnership work by funding meeting expenses, food for focus groups, transportation, etc.
- Contributed to the revision of the Promotion and Tenure guidelines to reflect the value of community engaged research.
- Created a resource for Evaluating Community Engagement in an Academic Medical Center.