Information for Cancer Services Program Patients & Clients
The Cancer Services Program of the Finger Lakes Region pays for breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening for uninsured women and men who live in Monroe, Livingston, Yates, Seneca, Wayne and Ontario Counties. “Underinsured” describes a situation where the person's insurance does not cover screenings (for example if insurance only covers in-hospital care) or has a high deductible that prevents the person from seeking screening.
The Cancer Services Program does not perform exams, but pays for mammograms, pap tests and colorectal cancer screening exams at nearly 200 providers in the Finger Lakes Region. If there is a finding during any screening, the program pays for diagnosis to determine whether the finding is breast, cervical or colorectal cancer.
Enrollment in the Cancer Services Program occurs by phone and takes less than five minutes. A consent form is sent to the client and must be returned prior to approval for services. A few providers are able to enroll clients at their offices. Clients may call the Cancer Services Program Monday through Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. at (585) 224-3070. Outside of Monroe County? Call 1-877-803-8070.
The Cancer Services Program can also help those diagnosed with cancer apply for the Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program (MCTP). Once approved, they receive full Medicaid during their treatment for breast, cervical, colon or prostate cancer. A woman under 40 who is diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer outside the program is still able to receive help applying for MCTP.
Important Information and Forms
What is Considered "High Risk?"
Cancer Services Program Overview