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Past Award Recipients

Over the years, we have honored a number of senior and junior University of Rochester Medical Center faculty, as well as staff, with the Dr. David Satcher Community Health Improvement Award. Take a look back at our deserving awardees. 


Staff Awardees (Joint)

Wendy Hou, D.N.P., R.N.; Christine Maness, M.S., R.N., coordinators of “Little Shots, Big Protection: A Team Providing COVID-19 Vaccine for Our Community’s Children;” assistant directors of Pediatric Nursing at Golisano Children’s Hospital

Junior Faculty Awardees (Joint)

Andrew Cohen, Ph.D.; Allison Stiles, Ph.D.Corey Nichols-Hadeed, J.D., co-directors for “EACH Youth in the RCSD;” faculty in the Departments of Pediatrics and Psychiatry

Senior Faculty Awardee

Michael D. Mendoza, M.D., M.P.H., 9th Commissioner of Public Health for Monroe County, NY; professor in the Department of Family Medicine


Staff Awardee

Kelly McDermott, M.S., community liaison for The Hoekelman Center at Golisano Children’s Hospital

Junior Faculty Awardee

Suzie Noronha, M.D., associate professor of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology; director of the pediatric sickle cell program at Golisano Children’s Hospital

Senior Faculty Awardee

Catherine Cerulli, J.D., Ph.D.professor of Psychiatry; director of the Susan B. Anthony Center; director of the Laboratory of Interpersonal Violence and Victimization 


Junior Faculty Awardee

Angela Branche, M.D., assistant professor at the University of Rochester, School of Medicine and the co-director of the NIH-funded UR Vaccine Treatment and Evaluation Unit.

Senior Faculty Awardees (awarded jointly)

  • Laura Jean Shipley, M.D., FAAP, professor of Clinical Pediatrics and vice chair for Population and Behavioral Health in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center. She is also the Associate Medical Director for Maternal Child Health at Accountable Health Partners
  • Jeffrey Kaczorowski, M.D., FAAP, professor and vice chair for Community and Government Affairs in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Rochester Medical Center


Staff Awardee

Amali Epa-Llop, Ph.D., Sr. Human Subject Research Coordinator; Women’s Initiative Supporting Health (WISH); University of Rochester

Junior Faculty Awardee

M. Mahala Schlagman, M.D., assistant professor of Medicine, General Medicine Department; Director, Internal Medicine Health Equity Curriculum; Director, Medical Legal Partnership; University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry

Senior Faculty Awardees

  • Susan Hetherington, Ph.D., retired; associate professor of Clinical Pediatrics and Education; Director, Strong Center for Developmental Disabilities; University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry
  • Steven L. Barnett, M.D., associate professor, Departments of Family Medicine and Public Health Sciences; Director, Rochester Prevention Research Center: National Center for Deaf Health Research; University of Rochester School of Medicine & Dentistry


satcher awards

Junior Faculty Awardee

Marc Lavender, M.D., FAAP, assistant professor of Pediatrics & Medicine; Pediatric Links with the Community Director; East Ridge Family Medicine Physician

Senior Faculty Awardee

Jill Halterman, M.D., M.P.H., professor of Pediatrics, Division Chief of General Pediatrics; Principal Investigator for the Preventive Care Program for Urban Children with Asthma


2018 Satcher AwardeesStaff Awardee

Charles Brown, chemical dependency counselor in the Department of Psychiatry

Junior Faculty Awardee

Tiffany Pulcino, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor in the departments of Pediatrics and Medicine/Primary Care

Senior Faculty Awardee

Silvia Sorensen, Ph.D., associate professor, Warner School of Education

Satcher Awardees 20172017

Staff Awardee

Catherine Bunce, R.N., M.S., Infectious Disease Clinic Coordinator, Department of Medicine

Junior Faculty Awardee

Rajeev S. Ramchandran, M.D., M.B.A., associate professor, Department of Opthalmology

Senior Faculty Awardee

Robert Weisman, D.O., professor, Department of Psychiatry, Senior Medical Director of Adult Ambulatory Services and director of Clinical Care at Strong Ties for the New York State ACT/FACT team


Satcher AwardeesJunior Faculty Awardee

Ann Marie White, Ed.D., associate professor, Department of Psychiatry, director of the Office of Mental Health Promotion

Senior Faculty Awardee

Robert J. Fortuna, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of Medicine and Pediatrics in Primary Care


Satcher AwardeesStaff Awardee

Precious Bedell, M.A., CHW, project health counselor and community health care worker for the Women's Initiative Supporting Health program, Department of Psychiatry

Junior Faculty Awardee

Amina P. Alio, Ph.D., assistant professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences

Senior Faculty Awardee

Michael C. Keefer, M.D., professor of Medicine, director of the University’s NIH-supported HIV Vaccine Trials Unit, co-principal investigator for the UR’s Center for AIDS Research (CFAR) and a leader within the international HIV Vaccine Trials Network


satcher winnersStaff Awardee

Caroline Nestro, R.N., M.S., associate director of the Office of Mental Health Promotion in the Department of Psychiatry

Junior Faculty Awardee

Lisa DeLucia, D.D.S., assistant professor and pediatric dentist at Eastman Institute for Oral Health

Senior Faculty Awardee

Anne Brayer, M.D., FAAP, FACEP, professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics


Andrew AligneJunior Faculty Awardee

C. Andrew Aligne, M.D., M.P.H., a clinical assistant professor in the URMC Department of Pediatrics and the director of the Community-health and Advocacy Resident Education (CARE) Track and Hoekelman Center 

Senior Faculty Awardee

Yeates Conwell, Satcher Award WinnerYeates Conwell, M.D., professor and vice chair, co-director of the Center for the Study and Prevention of Suicide and director of the Geriatric Psychiatry Program of the Department of Psychiatry, and director of the University of Rochester Medical Center's Office for Aging Research and Health Services


Satcher Award WinnersJunior Faculty Awardee

Sheree Toth, Ph.D., professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, and director of Mount Hope Family Center

Senior Faculty Awardee

Ann M. Dozier, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN, professor and chair, Public Health Sciences, and Albert D. Kaiser Chair of Public Health and Preventative Medicine


Satcher Award Winners 2011Staff Awardee

Karen L. Knauf, B.S., program manager of Injury Free Coalition for Kids of Rochester

Junior Faculty Awardee

Stephen R. Cook, M.D., M.P.H., assistant professor of Pediatrics and Medicine

Senior Faculty Awardee

Moira Szilagyi, M.D., Ph.D., associate professor of Pediatrics and medical director of Starlight Pediatrics (currently is a professor of pediatrics at UCLA Mattel Children’s Hospital and president-elect of the American Academy of Pediatrics) 


Satcher Awards 2010Staff Awardee

Mardy Sandler, LMSW, chief social worker and clinical manager for Community Outreach at Strong Memorial Hospital

Junior Faculty Awardee

Katrina Smith Korfmacher, Ph.D., director, Community Outreach and Engagement Core, Environmental Health Sciences Center
Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Medicine

Senior Faculty Awardee

Peter G. Szilagyi, M.D., M.P.H., professor and chief of the Division of General Pediatrics (currently is a professor of Pediatrics, executive vice-chair and vice-chair for Research, Department of Pediatrics at the University of California, Los Angeles)