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About Mary Anne Morgan, MD

Mary Anne Morgan, MD

Mary Anne Morgan, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Program Director, Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine Fellowship
Clinician Educator

I enjoy the spectrum of pulmonary and critical care and am active seeing patients in the role of attending intensivist at Strong Memorial and Highland Hospitals, as pulmonary consultant at Strong Memorial, and in the outpatient setting as general pulmonologist and Director of the University of Rochester’s Lymphangioleiomyomatosis Clinic. I feel honored to be involved in the lives of my patients and the trainees at URMC.

Education is my primary non-clinical passion. My favorite hours of the week are spent debating cases, identifying pitfalls in reasoning, and learning from my colleagues and trainees in Internal Medicine resident morning report and in our many PCCM conferences. I am grateful to be an eternal student. I was thrilled to be able to expound on the art and pitfalls of our clinical reasoning during last summer’s Internal Medicine Grand Rounds as a faculty expert in evidence-based medicine.  

In my free time, I am a voracious reader, an avid outdoors-person (ask me about the time I hiked and canoed across the Arctic Circle!), a jam-maker, and a yoga enthusiast. I am also the proud mother of two rambunctious boys and one rambunctious dog.