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Gestational Carrier

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(585) 487-3378



Strong Fertility Center offers a Gestational Carrier Program that works with the intended parent(s) and gestational carrier to achieve a pregnancy.

A gestational carrier is a woman who offers to carry a pregnancy for another woman, also known as an intended parent. The gestational carrier is not genetically related to the child that is born. The sperm and eggs used to create the embryo(s) are that of the intended parent(s) and/or egg or sperm donor, not the gestational carrier.  The intended mother (or egg donor) provides the eggs and the intended father (or sperm donor) provides the sperm. Embryos are created through IVF procedures and cryopreserved for future use.

Indications for the Use of a Gestational Carrier

Gestational carriers may be used when a true medical condition precludes the intended mother from carrying a pregnancy. Medical indications include, but are not limited to:

  • Absence of uterus
  • Significant uterine anomaly
  • Absolute medical contraindication to pregnancy (eg pulmonary hypertension)
  • Serious medical condition that could be exacerbated by pregnancy or cause significant risk to the fetus
  • Biologic inability to conceive or bear a child, such as single male or homosexual male couple
  • Multiple unexplained previous IVF failures despite transfer of good-quality embryos 

Selecting a Gestational Carrier

The gestational carrier can be known to the intended parent (a friend of family member) or matched with the help of a New York State licensed matching agency. Gestational Carriers must be cleared by the medical team prior to acceptance. The potential gestational carrier must at a minimum:

  • Be less than 45 years of age.
  • Be in good health with no significant medical, social or surgical history (should not smoke or use drugs).
  • Have a history of at least one term, uncomplicated pregnancy.
  • No more than a total of five previous deliveries.
  • Not have suffered multiple pregnancy losses.
  • Have no intention of traveling to a Zika affected area during treatment and throughout the duration of their pregnancy.
  • Vaccination against COVID-19 is strongly recommended, but not required.

This list is not exclusive and other conditions may be determined to be ineligible.

Intended Parent and Gestational Carrier Eligibility

Intended parent and gestational carrier eligibility is determined in compliance with FDA and New York State Department of Health Regulations and the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology recommendations.

Screening and testing for intended parent eligibility includes, but is not limited to:

  • History and Physical
  • Medical/Social Screening Questionnaire
  • Infectious disease lab work
  • Psychological consultation with counselor who specializes in third party reproduction

Screening and testing for gestational carrier eligibility includes, but is not limited to:

  • History and Physical
  • Medical/Social Screening Questionnaire
  • Infectious disease lab work
  • Psychological consultation with counselor who specializes in third party reproduction
  • Up to date pap smear
  • Uterine cavity evaluation

Legal Counsel

The gestational carrier and intended parent(s) must have ongoing legal counsel by an appropriately qualified legal practitioner who is experienced with third party reproduction and licensed to practice in the relevant State. The legal contract between the gestational carrier and intended parent(s) must be in place prior to commencement of a gestational carrier cycle and any subsequent embryo transfer.