Does music speed healing? How can we ensure that a pianist’s hands stay healthy? What is the impact of music on a surgeon’s performance in the operating room?
There are many unanswered questions on the interconnections between performing arts and medicine. As one of the nation’s premier research universities, and as home to the nation’s premier music school, the University of Rochester is perfectly positioned to answer these questions—and to carry both performing arts and medicine to higher heights.
Research Overview
Music Therapy and High Cholesterol – Improving Health via Songwriting
Eloquent silences: A musical and lexical analysis of conversation between oncologists and their patients
Labile Hypertension – White Coat Syndrome and music improvisation
CBT for Depression and Anxiety using AR/VR
Internships for Eastman students with Sue Callan Harris, Physical Therapist
Embouchure Dystonia in Music Education students
Hearing Loss – prevention and measurement in Music Students
Auditory perception in autism – speech v. music
Speech in Noise – does musical training aid the brain in better functioning with this problem?