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URMC / Medicine / Research / Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunities

Apply for Limited Submission Funding Opportunities for UR Researchers

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Department of Medicine Funding

The Department of Medicine provide pilot funding to researchers to support basic, clinical and translational research.


DOM Research and Education Pilot Program

The Department of Medicine will sponsor 4-6 pilot projects annually with funding targeted to meet the scope of the proposal ($20,000-40,000 per project). The program will support all forms of research (basic, clinical and translational) as well as innovative educational scholarship proposals. Health equity and outcomes research and scholarship are encouraged.


Infectious Diseases VTEU Faculty Pilot Program 

University of Rochester VTEU within the Division of Infectious Diseases will fund up to two (2) awards (maximum of $50,000 per project). Faculty Pilot projects should focus on infectious diseases. Subject areas include: respiratory or enteric pathogens, COVID, sexually transmitted infections or emerging infections (including antibiotic resistance).


UR Aging Research Pilot Program

University of Rochester Aging Institute (URAI) will fund up to two (2) aging research projects, with a focus on basic or clinical aging research topics. It is anticipated that one award will be in basic aging research and one in clinical aging research. Pilot research that falls anywhere along the translational research continuum is welcome. The award level is up to $50,000 for one year, per award.


Pulmonary T32 Training Grant

This T32 Training Grant aims to educate and support basic scientists and physician-scientists conducting high impact and innovative research that will improve the health of people suffering from lung diseases. Supporting 4 predoctoral trainees and 3 postdoctoral fellows from diverse backgrounds, the grant provides multifaceted and personalized training opportunities.


ROC StARR R38 Training Program

Funded by the NIH, the ROC StARR Program—ROChester Stimulating Access to Research during Residency Health and Immune Function Across the Lifespan—focuses on expanding the ranks of clinician-scientists to perform high-impact biomedical research.

Other University of Rochester Funding

Limited Submission Funding Opportunities

Researchers interested in applying for any limited submission opportunity (those in which the sponsoring agency limits the number of proposals it allows from an institution) are required to submit an internal application. For information on the internal application process and currently available limited submission opportunities, visit the Office of the Vice President for Research web site. To receive notifications of limited submission funding opportunities, contact Sharon Pomeroy with a request to be added to the VPR Funding Opportunities listserv.

External Funding Agencies and Grants

Researchers often rely on funding from government agencies, private foundations, and industry sponsors to support their research activities. Below are several common funding agencies.