Giving Back
Giving Back
Alumni have been generous in their support of the Institute for the Family through gifts of time and financial support. Alumni contribute to our training program, assist with recruitment of prospective students, create collaborative clinical/training opportunities, serve as guest lecturers, and assist with employment prospects for graduating students.
Alumni gifts at all levels make a difference:
- $5,000 provides a scholarship for a student in our graduate program
- $2,500 pays for educational groups in our community that support families who want to learn more about parenting skills, stress management or caring for aging parents/relatives
- $1,000 supports 20 hours of investigation into the effects of partner violence, depression of women or foster care
- $500 supports a violence prevention/emotion education project for Rochester's children
- $250 helps a low income family receive five weeks of counseling
- $150 will purchase a "named" chair for our newly renovated therapy rooms
Please visit our online giving form to make a gift today.