September 7 - 9, 2022
26th World Congress of the International College of Psychosomatic Medicine
Rochester Riverside Convention Center

September 8
ICPM Conference Dinner
George Eastman House
900 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
6:00pm - 9:00pm

September 9
75th Anniversary Soiree
Rochester Museum Science Center
657 East Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607

September 10
Alumni Breakfast & Tour
University of Rochester School of Medicine
601 Elmwood Avenue, Flaum Atrium
Rochester, NY 14642
10am - 1pm

75th Anniversary of the URMC Department of Psychiatry
We invite you scroll through the UR Psychiatry departmental timeline, and register for many planned virtual events in 2022.
Share your experience at the ICPM World Congress with the hashtags #ICPM2022 and #URPSYCH75