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NY State Dept of Health

Learn about and participate in the development of state health policies and laws  (ACGME Competencies: Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Professionalism)

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Participate actively in internal NYSDOH meeting related to the development of state health policies and laws. (ACGME Competencies: All 5 listed)

Participate actively in NYSDOH meetings with other departments of NYS state government, legislators and/or external groups related to the development of state health policies and laws. (ACGME Competencies: All 5 listed)

Independently provide and present research regarding potential state public health laws or policies or the effectiveness of current policies. (ACGME Competencies: All 5 listed)

Learn about how the state government enforces national and state laws relating to the provision of health care and public health (ACGME Competencies: Patient Care (at a population level); Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Professionalism)

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Participate actively in internal NYSDOH meeting related to the enforcement of state and/or national health policies and laws. (ACGME Competencies: All 6 listed)

Participate actively in NYSDOH meetings with other departments of NYS state government, legislators and/or external groups related to the enforcement of state and/or national health policies and laws. (ACGME Competencies: All 6 listed)

Independently provide and present research regarding state public health laws or policies or the effectiveness of enforcing these policies. (ACGME Competencies: All 6)

Learn about the different ways and areas that a state health department interacts with local health departments depending on eachs’ available capacities. (ACGME Competencies: Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Professionalism)

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Participate actively in NYSDOH meetings with local public health departments related to the development/enforcement/implementation/evaluation of public health laws, policies and/or programs; or in meetings in which NYSOH assists the local health department in such things as emergency disaster management or disease outbreak investigations. (ACGME Competencies: All 4 listed)

Independently provide research and assist in presenting it at one or more of these meetings. (ACGME Competencies: All 4 listed)

Independently identify the level of prevention (eg. Primary, secondary…) targeted by the different interventions discussed at meetings attended. (ACGME Competencies: All 4 listed)

Actively participate in discussions of barriers and how to overcome them regarding coordinating with local health departments in general and specifically and how these issues effective implementation of public health policies and programs. (ACGME Competencies: All 4 listed)

Learn about the development, implementation and assessment of public health interventions at the state level. (ACGME Competencies: Patient Care (at a population level); Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice, Practice-Based Learning & Improvement, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Professionalism)—Applies to each objective

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Participate actively in internal NYSDOH meeting related to the development and implementation of public health interventions.

Participate actively in NYSDOH meetings with other departments of NYS state government, legislators and/or external groups related to the development and or implementation of public health interventions at the state-wide level.

Independently provide and present research regarding potential public health interventions or the assessment regarding an ongoing program and make an independent recommendation on whether a specific policy should be pursued or altered.

Learn about how the NYSDOH interacts with non-governmental (non-profit) health advocacy organizations (e.g. American Cancer Society) to develop policies and programs to improve the public’s health (ACGME Competencies: Medical Knowledge, Systems-Based Practice, Interpersonal & Communication Skills, Professionalism)-- Applies to each objective

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Participate actively in a NYSDOH meeting with with a non-governmental (non-profit) health advocacy organization to discuss the development and or implementation of a public health intervention, policy or law at the state-wide level.

Independently provide a portion of and help present research regarding potential public health interventions, laws, or policies at such a meeting.

Independently provide a portion of and help present an evaluation of an ongoing public.

Learn about the many activities of the NYSDOH, its organization and management. (ACGME Competencies: Medical Knowledge; Systems Based Practice)

PMRY2 Objectives (Rotation only available to PMRY2 Year residents*)

Observe administrative meetings of the NYSDOH.

Review an organizational chart and funding of the NYSDOH with preceptor at NYSOH.