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After Surgery

Questions? Concerns?

Call us Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Three types of surgeries are performed at Strong Surgical Center:

  • Ambulatory (Same-Day Discharge)
  • Observation (Overnight Stay)
  • Admit (Days or Weeks in the Hospital)


After your surgery is complete, the surgical team will bring you to the recovery area. The unit in which you recover depends on the type of surgery and type of anesthesia used. Recovery time varies from person to person, the surgery you had, the anesthesia given to you, and your body's response. If you are admitted to the hospital, the recovery room nursing staff will speak with the unit nurse to discuss your surgery, progress, and doctor’s orders. You will then be taken to your room.

During your recovery period, you will receive fluids through your IV until you can take fluids by mouth (if allowed). The nursing staff will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, and make you as comfortable as possible.

Managing Your Pain

Strong Memorial Hospital has a 24/7 pharmacy in the main lobby for your convenience to pick up any post-operative prescription your surgeon orders for home use. All prescriptions are sent electronically to your pharmacy.

The nursing staff will evaluate your post-operative pain level. Some pain is expected after surgery. To better understand your pain needs, we use a scale of 0 to 10. No pain is "0" and the worst pain you have ever experienced is a "10". We strive to keep you as comfortable as possible. Please tell us if we are not managing your pain effectively.

Pain medication will be ordered for you as needed. Take the prescribed pain medication as ordered for you. Pain may prevent you from doing the activities that help with your recovery. Please report any new, increasing, or unrelieved pain to your nurse or doctor.


After the procedure, and when the anesthesia has worn off, we encourage you to be active as soon as it is possible, safe, and allowed by your surgeon. This will help your muscles stay strong and will lead to a faster recovery. We recommend that you walk, sit up in a chair, or at least turn frequently in bed (when allowed).

  • Ambulatory Surgery: After your surgery, you will get up to a lounge chair and activity will be increased according to your discharge instructions. Once home, we encourage you to be active as soon as it is safe, which is usually in the evening after your procedure.
  • Observational Surgery and Admit Surgery: Nurses will help you get out of bed and become active as allowed by your surgeon.


Your diet will depend on the type of surgery you had and how you are tolerating oral fluids. You may not feel like eating regular portions right away. It is normal to have less of an appetite after surgery. This could return to normal when your activity level increases.

  • Ambulatory Surgery: Resume your regular diet when you return home, unless your doctor has put you on a special diet. In the beginning, try eating small meals several times a day.

Discharge Instructions

When you are ready for discharge home, you will be given written post-op instructions. Please follow these instructions carefully. During the first few days after surgery, these instructions will help you take care of yourself and help your family take care of you.

Your recovery period continues at home. Once at home, you may still be drowsy and may still have discomfort.

Any questions related to discharge instructions can be clarified by calling your surgeon’s office. Be sure to call your surgeon’s office to make a follow-up appointment.

  • Ambulatory Surgery: After anesthesia, you may not remember verbal instructions given after your surgery. We ask that you have a responsible adult (over age 18) with you after surgery for the nursing staff to review your discharge instructions. You are not permitted to drive home. You will also not be allowed to use a city cab, Uber, Lyft, or bus alone. A responsible adult (over the age of 18) must stay with you at home for 24 hours after your surgery.
  • Observational Surgery: The nursing staff will review your discharge instructions before you go home. It is very important that you follow your discharge instructions, paying particular attention to those instructions related to your activity level and taking your pain medications.