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Our Researchers



ResearcherFaculty AppointmentLab
Betty Rabinowitz, M.D.Clinical Professor - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians (V)
Ronald Rabinowitz, M.D.Professor - Urology
Shalom Rackovsky, Ph.D.Research Associate Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics
Erin Rademacher, M.D.Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Pediatrics - Pediatric Nephrology
Homaira Rahimi, M.D.Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Rheumatology
Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Rheumatology
Rahimi Lab
Schwarz Lab
Arshad Rahman, Ph.D.Professor - Pediatrics - Neonatology
Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
Arshad Rahman Lab
Irfan Rahman, Ph.D.Professor - Environmental Medicine
Dean's Professorship - Environmental Medicine
Professor - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
Professor - Public Health Sciences
Irfan Rahman Lab
Gopal A. Ramaraju, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine - Medicine - Gastroenterology/Hepatology
Rajeev S. Ramchandran, M.D., M.B.A.Associate Professor - Ophthalmology
Ajay Rana, M.B.B.S., M.S.Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics - Pediatrics - Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
Cynthia M. Rand, M.D., M.P.H.Professor - Pediatrics - General Pediatrics
Immunization Lab
Matthew D. Rand, Ph.D.Associate Professor - Environmental Medicine
Rand Lab
Javier Rangel-Moreno, Ph.D.Research Associate Professor - Medicine - Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology
Rangel-Moreno Lab
Cecilia Ransom, M.D.Clinical Instructor - Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Hani H. Rashid, M.D.Professor - Urology
Megan J. Rashid, M.D.Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Pediatrics - Pediatric Nephrology
Linda Rasubala, D.D.S., Ph.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Dentistry - Dentistry
Patrick M. Reagan, M.D.Associate Professor - Medicine - Hematology/Oncology
Vincent F. Reale, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Surgery - Plastic Surgery
Sai Subhodhini Reddy, M.D.Professor of Clinical Medicine - Medicine - Nephrology
Eileen M. Redmond, Ph.D.Associate Professor - Surgery - Research
Associate Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
Redmond Vascular Biology Lab
Majed A. Refaai, M.D.Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Refaai Lab
Lisa D. Reichman, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Reichman Lab
Richard Reichman, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Jill O. Reidy, M.D.Assistant Professor of Clinical Family Medicine (Part-Time) - Family Medicine
Jessica L. Reiffer, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Part-Time) - Pediatrics - Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics
Yan-Fang Ren, D.D.S., Ph.D., M.P.H.Professor - Dentistry
Heather Reyes, M.D., M.Eng.Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Critical Care
Deborah Marie Rib, M.D.Clinical Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology
Benjamin F. Ricciardi, M.D.Associate Professor - Orthopaedics
Julie E. Riccio, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Part-Time) - Pediatrics - Neonatology
Katlyn D. Rice, Ph.D., M.S.Assistant Professor - Psychiatry - Child & Adoles Serv
Assistant Professor - Pediatrics
David Rich, Sc.D., M.P.H.Professor - Public Health Sciences
Professor - Environmental Medicine
Professor - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
Rich Lab
Irene H. Richard, M.D.Professor (Part-Time) - Neurology - Movement Disorders
Professor (Part-Time) - Psychiatry
Christopher T. Richardson, M.D., Ph.D.Associate Professor - Dermatology
Associate Professor - Medicine - Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology
Richardson Lab
Colby L. Richardson, M.D.Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Neonatology
Katherine M. Riera, M.D.Assistant Professor - Surgery - Acute Care
Assistant Professor - Pediatrics
Katherine K. Rieth, M.D., M.P.H., M.A.Assistant Professor - Otolaryngology
Christopher T. Ritchlin, M.D., M.P.H.Professor (Part-Time) - Medicine - Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology
Ritchlin Lab
Maria Patricia Rivera, M.D.Professor - Cancer Center
Professor - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
C. Jane Davis & C. Robert Davis Distinguished Professor in Pulmonary Medicine - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
Chief - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care
Gil Rivlis, Ph.D.Associate - Neuroscience
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory
Katherine H. Rizzone, M.D., M.P.H.Associate Professor - Orthopaedics
Brett W. Robbins, M.D.Professor - Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Senior Associate Dean, Graduate Medical Education - Offices of Medical Education
Vice Chair for Education - Medicine
Professor - Pediatrics
Jacques Robert, Ph.D.Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
Professor - Environmental Medicine
Robert Lab
Debra E. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D.Associate Professor - Neurology - Neuro Critical Care
Associate Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Associate Professor - Neurosurgery
William A. Roberts, M.D., Ph.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine (Part-Time) - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
Thomas A. Rocco, M.D.Clinical Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Highland Hospital
Thomas G. Rodenhouse, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery - Neurosurgery
Natercia R. Rodrigues, M.D., M.S.Assistant Professor - Family Medicine
Assistant Professor - Health Humanities and Bioethics
Ashley Rogerson, M.D.Associate Professor - Orthopaedics
Laura E. Rohan, M.S.Assistant - Pediatrics - Genetics
Gretchen A. Roman, P.T., D.P.T., Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Family Medicine
Assistant Professor - Public Health Sciences
Paul Romano, D.D.S.Clinical Associate Professor - Dentistry
Lizabeth Romanski, Ph.D.Associate Professor - Biomedical Engineering
Associate Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S
Associate Professor - Neuroscience
Romanski Lab
Robert C. Rose, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Infectious Diseases
Peter A. Rosella, M.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Imaging Sciences - Imaging Sciences
Tziporah E. Rosenberg, Ph.D.Associate Professor - Psychiatry - Family/Marriage
Associate Professor - Family Medicine
Casey Rosen-Carole, M.D., M.P.H., M.Ed.Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Breastfeeding & Lactation Medicine
Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology
Douglas P. Rosenzweig, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology (Part-Time) - Radiation Oncology
Spencer Z. Rosero, M.D.Professor - Medicine - Cardiology
Paul N. Yu Professorship in Cardiology - Medicine - Cardiology
Chief - Medicine - Cardiology
Randy N. Rosier, M.D., Ph.D.Professor Emeritus - Orthopaedics
Marlies P. Rossmann, M.D., Ph.D.Assistant Professor - Biomedical Genetics
Assistant Professor - Biomedical Genetics
Assistant Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
Assistant Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
Rossmann Lab
Mitochondrial Research and Innovation Group
Paul G. Rothberg, Ph.D.Professor Emeritus - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Jason M. Rotoli, M.D.Associate Professor - Emergency Medicine
Cheryl P. Rozario, D.O., M.P.H.Assistant Professor - Medicine - Allergy/Immunology and Rheumatology
Deborah J. Rubens, M.D.Professor (Part-Time) - Imaging Sciences
Vice Chair, Faculty and Professional Development - Imaging Sciences
Professor (Part-Time) - Biomedical Engineering
Jeffrey S. Rubenstein, M.D., M.B.A.Professor Emeritus - Pediatrics - Critical Care
Paul T. Rubery, M.D.Professor - Orthopaedics
Chair - Orthopaedics
Marjorie Strong Wehle Professor in Orthopaedics - Orthopaedics
Arthur A. Rudmann, M.D.Professor of Clinical Medicine (Part-Time) - Medicine - Hospital Medicine
Erik A. Rueckmann, M.D.Associate Professor - Emergency Medicine
Holly Ann Russell, M.D.Associate Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention
Associate Professor - Family Medicine
Charlotte K. Ryan, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Eileen A. Ryan, M.D.Professor Emeritus - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine