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Application Information

Dean's Teaching Application 2024 - 2026 deadline has closed.

Use this outline as a guide for your project description.

Please limit the narrative to four pages, single-spaced, with 12- point font and no appendices. The project should be feasible to complete and present within the two-year period of the program. It should involve an educational research component and generate new knowledge. For projects that involve the development of educational programs for medical students, residents, fellows or practicing physicians, there should be a robust plan for evaluation of the impact of the program (qualitative and/or quantitative). Drs. Dadiz and Nofziger are available to discuss – and help applicants refine – proposals prior to applying, and to help potential fellows identify a mentor.

A. Introduction
  1. Specific Aims of the Project: The project should be hypotheses-generating or hypothesis-driven. For educational innovations, concrete outcomes should be specified, including learning objectives. (2-4 sentences)
  2. Background: Describe why the project should be undertaken. Provide a brief literature review, and/or description of other efforts to address the problem. Is there a documented need or deficiency that should be corrected? In what ways is it novel or innovative? Is there an underlying educational theory? What published and “grey” literature supports the proposal? What impact will the project have locally? Nationally? (1/2 page)
  3. Population: What learner group(s) will be served and/or studied? How might it affect or be relevant to other learners or populations? (1 paragraph)
B. Plans
  1. Methods: Please provide a detailed description of the program, intervention or research protocol. Indicate how you will (if relevant) recruit participants, obtain consent, implement the project, anticipate any difficulties, collect data and analyze the data. (1 page)
  2. Timeline: Please outline a schedule of dates for completion of various stages of the project. (1/4 page)
  3. Outcomes: Describe methods of assessing the effect of the program (if relevant). What types of new knowledge, educational programs or materials will result from this project? What will next steps be after completion of the project? (1/2 page)
C. Feasibility:

How will the project be implemented? Whose support, approval and cooperation will you need? What material resources will you need? How will the project fit into the current curriculum? How will you promote participants’ interest, attendance and follow-through? What challenges do you anticipate and how will those be addressed? (1/3 page)

D. Mentoring:

Who will be your mentor? What qualifications does he or she have? What expertise or skills that you need cannot be provided by your mentor? How frequently will you meet? (1/3 page)

E. Evaluation:

How will the outcomes of the project be assessed? This section is critical; evaluation methods should be described in detail. (1/2 page)

To assist in preparation of application materials, candidates may request examples of successful applications from Theresa Banker (585-275-2972). However, please note that we are currently placing additional emphasis on methodological rigor, evaluation methods and mentoring. The Dean’s Teaching Fellowship Advisory Board will review and select fellows to participate in the program.  The board generally meets in early March.

Fellows selected for the program will meet with their mentors and the directors of the Dean’s Teaching Fellowship Program in June/July to anticipate challenges and make modifications to enhance the likelihood of success of their project.