Primary Faculty

Racial/ethnic health disparities and global health; impact of behavioral, psychosocial and environmental factors on pregnancy outcomes, particularly among African Americans

Development and implementation of mobile health interventions for smoking cessation among underserved populations (e.g., Latinos, people living with HIV, people living in low- and middle-income countries).

Nutritional Epidemiology: Development of interventions that will help individuals avoid excessive weight gain.

Community engagement and overall reduction of health disparities in deaf populations with a particular focus on the relationship between early childhood language experiences and subsequent health, cognitive, education, and overall quality of life outcomes across the lifespan and the phenomenon of language deprivation

Early origins research, linking in utero environment to later life health and educational attainment

Outcomes assessment and quality report cards; nursing home policies and impacts on quality; and the quality of healthcare for persons with mental illness

Environmental Medicine and Medical Ecology; Public Health implications of endocrine disrupting compounds, social determinants of academic success, and program evaluation

Smoking Cessation in special populations, Technology/Web Assisted Risk Behavior Intervention and Dissemination of effective interventions to physician practices

Behavioral medicine and outcomes management include tobacco use and smoking interventions, obesity prevention and exercise

Designing and implementing technological, community-oriented research initiatives to reduce health inequities and address sociostructural determinants of health among minoritized groups globally.

Combining population-based research and alternative animal models to study early health effects of flavors in electronic cigarettes. Leveraging social media data through artificial intelligence-based analysis to design vaping prevention strategies targeting youth and young adults. Integrating artificial intelligence methods and community participatory based approach to improve science communication among Spanish-speaking populations. Generating translational models to optimize the communication of basic and clinical research to community members, healthcare providers, and advocates.

Cardiovascular, respiratory, and perinatal/reproductive health effects of exposure to environmental agents, including ambient air pollution

Epidemiology of Aging: Physical and mental health in later life, mechanisms of vulnerability and resilience, population health determinants, issues in measurement and estimation, complex systems analysis

Behavioral interventions to improve the quality of life and associated disease outcomes in primarily African American women with lupus

Secondary Faculty

Cancer control and survivorship among Hispanics and older adults and exercise interventions to reduce symptom burden.

Diagnosis and consequences of concussions and traumatic brain injury in athletes.

Focuses upon neurologic disorders in resource-limited tropical settings.

Community engagement and participatory research to address disparities in primary prevention using culturally and linguistic sensitive mobile intervention, particularly among under-represented minority (URM) populations

Redox signaling mechanism of Proinflammatory gene expression in pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory lung diseases caused by environmental toxicants