Managing anxiety related to world events
Critical world events have us all on edge but the tools you use to manage anxiety and stress can assist you in keeping a healthy perspective. Read the August blog from Behavioral Health Partners for suggestions on how to cope and make decisions based on what is under your control and what is not.
Upholding Ethics in Healthcare - Moral Distress Issues
Moral distress and ethical dilemmas are a constant in health care. The July blog from Behavioral Health Partners will help you understand the definition of both and offer suggestions to address these issues in your work life.
Procrastinating – Everyone does it
If you find yourself chronically late completing tasks or projects, you might be caught up in the negative spiral of the procrastination cycle. Understanding what factors lead to procrastination can help you to address the issue and become more effective at completing tasks on schedule. Read the June blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn some tips to avoid procrastination and increase your productivity.
Can you take a compliment?
Praise can sometimes make you squirm with discomfort, but learning how to be a good receiver can improve your self-view. Read the May blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn how you can start accepting the praise you deserve.
Building Friendships in Adulthood
When loneliness stands like a wall in front of you, building new friendships can be difficult especially as an adult. The benefits that friends bring to your mental and physical health can be huge. Read the April blog from Behavioral Health Partners which offers some tips on how to take the first step in making lasting and enjoyable bonds.