Welcome to Emergency Medicine
Message from our Chair, Dr. Michael Kamali 
There has never been a time like now in our Department of Emergency Medicine. The combination of compassionate clinical care, residency education, and clinical and translational research is thriving at the University of Rochester. As a member of the Strong Community for the past 10 years, I have witnessed an explosion of talent merging with state of the art science and world class patient care at our institution.
Michael Kamali, MD, FACEP
Chair, Emergency Medicine
University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, NY 14642
Administrative Contact: (585) 273-4398
Fax: (585) 473-3516
Contact Us
Department of Emergency Medicine
Phone: (585) 273-4060, Fax: (585) 473-3516
Residency Program Contact
Phone: (585) 463-2940, Fax: (585) 473-3516
Research Contact
Saunders Research Building
265 Crittenden Boulevard
Suite 2.100, Box 655C
Rochester, NY 14642
Phone: (585) 275-1198
NCI Funds Urban-Rural Cervical Cancer Screening Research

Congratulations to Dr. David Adler, Dr. Beau Abar, and Nancy Wood in their receipt of a $1.5 million R01 NIH grant from the NIH National Cancer Institute. This grant is designed to study cervical cancer screening among ED patients and linking them with local services.