Wittink, M. N., McDaniel, S. H., Rosenberg, T., Qiu, P., & Waller, C. (Eds.). (2022). Real-world implementation of the biopsychosocial approach to healthcare: Pragmatic approaches, success stories and lessons learned.
Choi J, Wittink MN, Maeng, D, Olivares, T, Lee, HB. (2022, November) Embedding Primary Care Clinic within Community Mental Health Services Reduces All-Cause Hospitalizations and Emergency Department (ED) Visits for Patients with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and Cardiovascular Disease (CVD). [Conference Presentation] Presented at the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry annual meeting.
Bobeda E, Ainsworth A, Rigney E, Hart J, Newell L, Tsun Z, Olivares T, Wittink MN. (2022, September 7-9) Delivering Medical Care to Patients in Psychiatry: Moving from Interdisciplinary to Transdisciplinary Care” [Conference Presentation] Presented at the World Congress of the International Conference of Psychosomatic Medicine, Rochester NY.
Chan A, Padrino S, Wittink MN. (2022, September 7-9) Improving Medical Care for Patients with Mental Illnesses: Comparison of Three Medical-Psychiatric Units in the United States” [Conference Presentation] Presented at the World Congress of the International Conference of International Psychosomatic Medicine, Rochester NY.
Perlis, L. T., Lamberti, J. S., & Miedlich, S. U. (2020). Glucagon-Like Peptide Analogs Are Superior for Diabetes and Weight Control in Patients on Antipsychotic Medications: A Retrospective Cohort Study. The primary care companion for CNS disorders, 22(1), 19m02504. https://doi.org/10.4088/PCC.19m02504
Wittink, M. N., Cross, W., Goodman, J., Jackson, H., Lee, H. B., Olivares, T., ... & Caine, E. D. (2020). Taking the long view in an inpatient medical unit: a person-centered, integrated team approach for patients with severe mental illnesses. Psychiatric Services, 71(9), 885-892.
Thomas, K., Wilson, J. L., Bedell, P., & Morse, D. S. (2019). “They didn’t give up on me”: a women’s transitions clinic from the perspective of re-entering women. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice, 14(1), 1-11.
Pudalov, L. R., Swogger, M. T., & Wittink, M. (2018). Towards integrated medical and mental healthcare in the inpatient setting: what is the role of psychology?. International review of psychiatry (Abingdon, England), 30(6), 210–223.
Morse, D. S., Wilson, J. L., McMahon, J. M., Dozier, A. M., Quiroz, A., & Cerulli, C. (2017). Does a Primary Health Clinic for Formerly Incarcerated Women Increase Linkage to Care?. Women's health issues : official publication of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, 27(4), 499–508.
AugensteinTara, M., PigeonWilfred, R., DiGiovanniSue, K., BrazillKevin, P., OlivaresTelva, E., LeeHochang, B., & WittinkMarsha, N. (2020). Creating a novel inpatient psychiatric unit with integrated medical support for patients with COVID-19. NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery.