URMC / Institute for Innovative Education / Center for Experiential Learning / URMC Project ECHO / Current ECHO Programs Current ECHO Programs URMC ECHO Autism and Developmental Disorders URMC ECHO For Eating Disorders URMC School-based ECHO For Eating Disorders ECHO Geriatric Mental Health in Long Term Care (GEMH) OMH URMC Transgender Health ECHO UR-SOS Project ECHO® URMC Crisis and Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities ECHO URMC ECHO Pediatric Allergy for the Primary Care Provider URMC Project ECHO Supporters URMC Project ECHO is supported by the following organizations: Greater Rochester Health Foundation NYS Health Foundation NYS Office of Mental Health NYS Department of Health UR Office for Aging Research and Health Services (OARHS) Finger Lakes Geriatric Education Center (FLGEC) funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), under the Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program.