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Building Friendships in Adulthood

When loneliness stands like a wall in front of you, building new friendships can be difficult especially as an adult. The benefits that friends bring to your mental and physical health can be huge. Read the April blog from Behavioral Health Partners which offers some tips on how to take the first step in making lasting and enjoyable bonds.

Never Miss a Dose: Strategies for Medication Adherence

If you ever missed a dose of medication, you’re not alone. Medication adherence is one of the key factors that can help alleviate the symptoms you’re experiencing, prevent relapse, avoid hospitalization, and maintain treatment effectiveness. Read Behavioral Health Partners’ (BHP) March blog to dig deeper into the whys and get helpful strategies to improve your outcomes. If you are struggling with medication or need help with stress, anxiety or depression, call BHP at (585) 276-6900 to see how they can help.

Good news: sharing and responding

What do you do with your good news and how do you respond when others share theirs? Find out the difference between constructive and destructive replies in the February blog from Behavioral Health Partners.

Identifying and Coping with Health Anxiety

Winter brings an increase in colds and other illnesses.  Most people don’t worry much about these symptoms, however if you have health anxiety, hours may be spent worrying and researching symptoms online.  Read the January blog from Behavioral Health Partners to learn more about health anxiety.

Ambiguous Loss: The Grief is Real

Ambiguous loss is a term used to describe losses that are unclear or unconfirmed.  Understanding the nature of ambiguous loss and having words to describe your experience can be the first step towards coping.  To learn more about this type of loss, read Behavioral Health Partner’s December blog.

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