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UR Medicine


Heather L. Lander, MD

Dr. LanderDr. Heather Lander’s  primary research interest is in primarily in the optimization of older patients who need surgery.  As a Cardiothoracic Anesthesiologist and the Associate Director of Academic Practice she is integrally involved in Geriatric Perioperative Excellence and committed to efforts around Age-Friendly Health Systems and the Geriatric Surgical Verification Program.

She also is also the recent recipient of the prestigious URMFG Health Innovations Grant for her project "The PROMIS of an Equitable, Innovative, Geriatric Perioperative Surgical Home." This interdisciplinary project focuses on creating and implementing a geriatric perioperative surgical home that will utilize provider and patient reported geriatric assessments to deliver targeted education, optimization, and risk discussions in older surgical patients. She is devoted to elevating the care of our aging surgical patients to ensure every older surgical patient receives high-quality, evidence-based care.

She completed the Wellness, Equity, and Leadership Scholars Program through the American Medical Women’s Association and is a current Perioperative Fellow through the Society of Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement