BP1 Workgroup Products - FLR
Volunteer Management
BP5 Workgroup Products - FLR
Offsite Preparedness Workgroup
Hospital Security Workgroup
Employee Training and Procedures for Handling
Robbery Prevention and Procedures
Robbery Response and Prevention Training
eFinds Workgroup
eFinds Quarterly Drill Controller/Evaluator Handbook
eFinds Exercise Evaluation Guide
eFinds Quarterly Drill Exercise Plan
Hospital Field Report Workgroup
BP4 Workgroup Products - FLR
BP3 Workgroup Products - FLR
- Demobilization - This workgroup will develop a general all hazards template to allow users to begin the demobilization process in a consistent method.
- HICS - This workgroup adapted changes in the HICS updates and standard ICS forms.
ICS Job Action Sheets and Form 201
- Hospital Field Report - This workgroup collaborated with State Office of Emergency Management to develop a form to report to local Emergency Management.
BP2 Workgroup Products - FLR
- EMS Briefing Template - The workgroup created a template pamphlet for local EMS agencies that could be used to outline hospital disaster response activities including lock down, traffic changes, decon capabilities, and disaster triage. A sample pamphlet is included as an example.
EMS Briefing Template
Sample Pamphlet
- Notification Template - The workgroup project was to identify a list of roles/agencies that would be notified for three different areas: on campus, health system, external partners. Thresholds and means (phone/pager/email/radio) for each would need to be determined.
Notification Template
- EOP Activation Levels - The workgroup developed a plain language Emergency Operations Plan activation level matrix to enhance the common operating picture among healthcare and emergency management agencies.
Emergency Operations Plain Language Activation Levels
WRHEPC - Western New York Subregion Workgroup Products
BP3&4 Workgroup Products - WNY
- Communications - Plain Language implementation initiative.
1/22/16 Meeting Notes - Describes Standard Language and implementation timeline.
Plain Language Alerts Template - Used for internal and external agency communications on the initiative. - Decon - Planning and Resource Documents
Kaleida Action Guide 5A for Animal Decon
Hospital Decon for Service K9s
Hospital Decontamination Self Assessment Tool
Patient Decon National Planning Guide
- Evacuation - Describes and depicts TALS pictograms
Transportation Assistance Levels
Evacuation Resource Documents
AHRQ Evacuation Decision Guide
Hospital Evacuation Toolkit
NFPA Evacuation Planning Guide for People with Disabilities
HICS 255 Master Patient Evacuation Tracking Form
HICS 257 Resource Accounting Record
HICS Evacuation Tracking Form
Hospital Evacuation Patient Info Tracking Form
NH Resident Evacuation Tracking Form
Hospital Evacuation Flow Chart
Sample Hospital Evacuation Checklist
Unit Evacuation Go Kit
Kaleida Evacuation Documentation Checklist
CHS Evacuation Response Guide
Hospital Evacuation Process Documents
Notification and Maintenance Matrices
Notification and Maintenance Samples
- Hospital Security Coordinators
ALICE Training - ALICE training techniques for Active Shooter incidents.
Interagency Security Committee Best Practices - Resource document, establishes baseline
agency/department protocols across the Federal government for active shooter incidents.
- WNY Pediatric Planning and Resources
National Pediatric Readiness Assessment - Describes the national initiative to reassess ED pediatric
Pediatric Disaster Preparedness Initiative - Documents/tools for community hospitals to use to implement
planning steps for pediatric disaster preparedness.
WNY Pediatric Regional Response Plan Hospital Tiers - Identifies initial assignment of WNY hospitals to
Tiers for preparedness and response planning for a regional pediatric surge.
WNY Pediatric Initiative for Partner Meeting 1/20/16 - Planning partner presentation on pediatric surge
and regional Regional Response Plan initiative.
Checklist For Hospital Disaster Preparedness
Checklist For Hospital Disaster Prepare Initiative
ED Preparedness Checklist
PEARS, PALS, ENPC Training Descriptions
New Pediatric Regulations DAL
NYC Hospital Guidelines For Pediatric Preparedness
- Medical Surge - Templates and tools for enhancing or creating mass casualty.
Decompression - rapid discharge plans and tools - Plan for decompression, three rapid discharge
planning tools
Internal Surge Scoring Tools - Assessing non-traditional areas for conversion to surge space
RCC Special Project
Surge Planning Tools - Tools/Resources for surge planning; State of Florida
Surge Templates - Inpatient Bed Surge Annex, Mass Casualty-Disaster Triage Annex, Chemical Decon
areas, donning/doffing.
Amtrack Derailment - Article on MCI surge considerations.
BP2 Workgroup Products - WNY
- Hospital Evacuation/eFINDS - eFINDS documents developed by the WNY Hospital Evacuation Work Group include the following:
Instructions for Hospital/ Healthcare Facility Evacuation Plan Revision for inclusion of eFINDS
Please read these carefully to see how the documents can be used, as desired, to complete an Evacuation Plan revision and help meet a plan revision deliverable (for grantees). Non-grantee hospitals can also use the documents to help them incorporate eFINDS to their Evacuation Plan. The documents have been developed to broadly address eFINDS procedures. Note: The Hospital is expected to make facility-specific decisions about use of the content and modify/use these as needed.
- eFINDS Quick Reference Card: WNY documents developed depend on use of the NYS-provided Card for reference.
- eFINDS Activation Algorithm
- NYS eFINDS Procedure
- Sample - NYS Evacuation Annex (with eFINDS) The areas that have been revised to address eFINDS and the Hospital MAP are highlighted, and also listed in the sample Plan Table of Revisions.
- Sample - Section 15 - Patient Tracking and Accountability (with eFINDS)
- Sample - eFINDS Administrator JAS
- Sample - eFINDS Data Reporter JAS
- Pediatric Surge
- WNY Pediatric Planning Steps For Hospitals
- WNY Planning Assumptions and Priority Areas
- ED Preparedness Checklist (American Academy of Pediatrics)
- PEARS, PALS, ENPC (AHA Comparison)
- Recommendations For Increasing NYC Pediatric Critical Care Surge Capacity
- Pediatric Surge Pocket Guide (Los Angeles)
- Emergency Communications - Workgroup developed a revised and updated Emergency Communications Annex (ECA) Template for use in developing or revising a hospital's ECA. Updates include the "The Joint Commission and NIMS Table".
-These documents are for use in developing your ECA to meet the New Plan deliverable; or to revise your existing ECA to meet the Revised Plan deliverable. Instructions are included to assist in modifying the template.- WNY Communications Annex Template
- Using the Emergency Communications Template and Samples
- Medical Surge - This workgroup developed a template for the Hospital Mass Casualty Incident – Disaster Triage Annex and included key resources used in the development of the template. The template was designed to provide guidance for content, processes, and responsibilities for managing a mass casualty incident without contamination, and must be modified to reflect your hospital’s processes.
Directions for modifying the plan for your facility
- Read thoroughly, and use your hospital’s current Codes terminology, and Levels of Activation
- Modify the actions in the template per your current CEMP, and to reflect your staff and Department actions.
- Ensure all Tables and Lists are modified to reflect your supplies, equipment, areas, and staffing assignments.
- Remove/ add Attachments - none are required, but those included should reflect your disaster triage methodology
and tags.
- Modify the Table of Contents as needed.
- Review and modify the Hospital Command Center actions per your CEMP. They only reflect the initial HCC