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Current Students

Publications Awards Student Handbook

The Neuroscience Graduate Program at the University of Rochester recruits and matriculates the highest quality students from around the United States and from all parts of the world. They participate in a rigorous neuroscience curriculum, attend national and international meetings, and contribute to cutting edge research. Many of our students have published manuscripts in high profile international journals and present abstracts at a host of large and small scientific meetings. In addition, our students participate as members of the curriculum, admissions and colloquium committees, and annually present their ongoing research to fellow students and to the neuroscience community as a whole.

Student Composite


Matthew Adusei
Matthew Adusei, M.S.
Briggs Lab

Research Interest:

Identifying corticogeniculate neurons in extrastriate visual cortex

Abigail Alpers
Abigail Alpers
Haptics Lab

Research Interest:

Abnormalities in the sensorimotor network in dystonia

Estephanie Balbuena
Estephanie Balbuena, MS
Smith Lab

Research Interest:

Circadian rhythms

Emma Bryson
Emma Bryson
First Year
Amy Bucklaew
Amy Bucklaew, MS
Mitchell Lab

Research Interest:

Investigating the neural mechanisms of visual processing and selective attention

Dominic Bunn
Dominic Bunn
Gail Johnson Lab
Wojtovich Lab

Research Interest:

The effects of pathological tau uptake by astrocytes on mitochondrial function and the impact on their ability to support neuron health

Yunshan Cai
Yunshan Cai
First Year
Lia Calcines Rodriguez
Lia Calcines Rodriguez, MS
O'Banion-Olschowka Labs

Research Interest:

Unraveling microglial-intrinsic sex-specific properties and their contribution to Alzheimer's disease pathology 

Joanne Chiu
Joanne Chiu
First Year
Anthony Bryan Crum
Anthony Bryan Crum, MS
Meeks Lab

Research Interest:

Effects of traumatic brain injury on olfactory circuits

Skylar DeWitt
Skylar DeWitt
First Year
Thomas Delgado
Thomas Delgado, M.S.
Gail Johnson Lab
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

The role of transglutaminase 2 in mediating the response of astrocytes to injury and their ability to support neuron survival and neurite outgrowth

Yanya Ding
Yanya Ding
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory
Wang Lab

Research Interest:

Age-related histological and neurophysiological changes of auditory processing in a knockout mouse model of juvenile neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

Michael DuHain
Michael DuHain, M.S.
Haptics Lab

Research Interest:

Selectivy of MSTd neurons to optic flow pattersn along curved paths

Alexis Feidler
Alexis Feidler, MS
McGrath Lab

Research Interest:

Develop the micro Sim Blood-Bain Barrier+ for modeling human, adult neurodegenerative diseases

Johanna Fritzinger
Johanna Fritzinger, M.S.
Carney Lab

Research Interest:

Timbre encoding in the auditory midbrain

Michael Giannetto
Michael Giannetto, MS
Nedergaard Lab

Research Interest:

Astrocytic roles in the brain

Leslie Gonzales
Leslie Gonzales, MS
Henry Lab

Research Interest:

Pharmacology of auditory efferent fibers

John Gonzalez-Amoretti
John Gonzalez-Amoretti, MS
Snyder Lab

Research Interest:

Exploring a casual role of PFC in the selection of information in MT

Julia Granato
Julia Granato, MS
Hammond Lab

Research Interest:

The role of brain-specific complement inhibitor Sez6L2 in synaptic connectivity during development

Catalina Guzman
Catalina Guzman, MS
Pain and Perceptions Lab

Research Interest:

Ketamine and pain signaling

Dennis Jung
Dennis Jung, M.S.
Snyder Lab

Research Interest:

Investigating working memory mechanisms in non-human primates via cross-scale electrophysiology

Jeehyun Kim
Jeehyun Kim, MS
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

Studying neurophysiological underpinnings of cognitive and motor symptoms of movement disorders and further modulation by deep brain stimulation

Dennisha King
Dennisha King, MS
Fudge Lab

Research Interest:

Microglia's Role in Amygdala Paralaminar Nucleus (PL) Neuron Development in Nonhuman Primates

Wen Li
Wen Li
First Year
Sean Lydon
Sean Lydon, MS
Libby Lab

Research Interest:

Neurotoxic reactive glia cells in acute and chronic models of glaucoma

Caleb Mahlen
Caleb Mahlen, B.S.
First Year
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

Using psychophysics and fMRI to explore how the brain encodes pain

Mariah Marrero
Mariah Marrero, MS
Gelbard Lab

Research Interest:

Elucidating the role of High mobility group box 1 in blood-brain barrier breakdown and neuroinflammation

Margaux Masten
Margaux Masten, B.S.
Sobolewski Lab
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

Understanding the impact of late gestational air pollution exposure on the developing brain

Abigail Mayer
Abigail Mayer, MS
Xia Lab

Research Interest:

PP1 function in neurodevelopmental disease

Daulton Myers
Daulton Myers
Fudge Lab

Research Interest:

Prefrontal cortex-amygdala circuits underlying social decision-making

Evan Newbold
Evan Newbold, MS
Nedergaard Lab

Research Interest:

Immunoprofiling using mass cytometry following peripheral insult

Paige Nicklas
Paige Nicklas, MS
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory

Research Interest:

Neurophysiology & cognitive-motor integration in children and young adults with intellectual and developmental disability

Mark Osabutey
Mark Osabutey, MS
O'Banion-Olschowka Labs

Research Interest:

Exploring the cellular basis of neuroinflammation and attendant cognitive deficits due to cranial radiation exposure

Victoria Popov
Victoria Popov, MS
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory

Research Interest:

Acute exercise intervention to ameliorate inhibitory control deficits in schizophrenia.

Tracy Preko
Tracy Preko
First Year
Bryan Redmond
Bryan Redmond, M.S.
Huxlin Lab
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

Vision‐related quality of life after unilateral occipital stroke

Staci Rocco
Staci Rocco
Second Year
Adam Roszczyk
Adam Roszczyk
First Year
Maleelo "Lelo" Shamambo
Maleelo "Lelo" Shamambo, MS
Mayer-Pröschel Lab

Research Interest:

Contribution of secondary insults to neuropathology in rare genetic diseases

Fei Shang
Fei Shang, M.S.
Schallek Lab

Research Interest: Structural and functional analysis of alpha smooth muscle actin in the mouse retina (under normal and hyperglycemic conditions
Caitlin Sharp
Caitlin Sharp, MS

Research Interest:

Investigating the neurophysiology of cognitive-motor interactions in schizophrenia spectrum disorders

Luke Shaw
Luke Shaw, PhD
Mitchell Lab
Wang Lab

Research Interest:

Fronto-parietal feedback circuits and their role in visually guided reaching

Leah Sheppard
Leah Sheppard
Second Year
Alexander Solorzano
Alexander Solorzano
Cognitive Neurophysiology Laboratory

Research Interest:

Translational neurophysiology and advanced neuroimaging techniques in murine models for diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease, and Lysosomal Storage disorders such as Cystinosis and Batten's Disease.

Emma Strawderman
Emma Strawderman, B.S.
Garcea Lab
Medical Scientist Training Program (M.D., Ph.D.)

Research Interest:

The effect of gliomas and their treatments (e.g., neurosurgery, radiation) on neural connectivity and associated cognitive deficits.

Bingyu Sun
Bingyu Sun
Wang Lab

Research Interest:

Mechanism of microglia response to cannabidiol in healthy and diseased states

Sarah Yablonski
Sarah Yablonski, MS
Libby Lab

Research Interest:

Pathways of retinal ganglion cell death in glaucoma

Silei Zhu
Silei Zhu, M.S.
Briggs Lab

Research Interest:

The functions of corticogeniculate feedback in visual behaviors