Jared B. Wachterman, M.D. | Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology - Urology
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Hironao Wakabayashi, M.D., Ph.D. | Research Assistant Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics
| Ermolenko Lab
Derek Wakeman, M.D. | Associate Professor - Surgery - Pediatric Surgery Associate Professor - Pediatrics
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David Lee Waldman, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor - Imaging Sciences
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Danielle S. Wallace, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Medicine - Hematology/Oncology
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James Wallace, M.D. | Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry (Part-Time) - Psychiatry - Child & Adoles Serv Associate Professor of Clinical Pediatrics (Part-Time) - Pediatrics
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Edward E. Walsh, M.D. | Professor - Medicine - Infectious Diseases
| Walsh-Falsey Lab
Kevin A. Walter, M.D. | Professor - Cancer Center Professor - Neurosurgery Professor - Orthopaedics
| Walter Lab
Ben Wandtke, M.D., M.S. | Associate Professor - Imaging Sciences Vice Chair, Quality and Safety - Imaging Sciences
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David Dah-Chung Wang, B.Med. | Professor Emeritus - Neurology - Epilepsy
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Henry Z. Wang, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor of Clinical Imaging Sciences - Imaging Sciences
| Cerebrovascular and Neurocognitive Research Group (CNRG)
Hongyue Wang, Ph.D. | Research Associate Professor - Biostatistics and Computational Biology
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Jinxin Wang, Ph.D. | Research Assistant Professor - Neuroscience
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Kuan Hong Wang, Ph.D. | Professor - Neuroscience Dean's Professorship - Neuroscience Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
| Wang Lab
Nancy Wang, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Sandy Wang, M.D., M.P.H. | Instructor of Clinical Emergency Medicine (Part-Time) - Emergency Medicine - Urgent Care
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Weitao Wang, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Otolaryngology
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Xi Wang, B.Med. | Professor (Part-Time) - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Brian M. Ward, Ph.D. | Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
| Ward Lab
Denham S. Ward, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine Professor Emeritus - Biomedical Engineering
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Gareth Warren, M.D., M.Sc. | Assistant Professor of Clinical Urology - Urology Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology - Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Gene E. Watson, D.D.S., Ph.D. | Professor (Part-Time) - Dentistry Professor (Part-Time) - Environmental Medicine Professor (Part-Time) - Pharmacology and Physiology
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William H. Watson, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Psychiatry - Family/Marriage Associate Professor - Neurology - Epilepsy
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Richard E. Waugh, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Biomedical Engineering
| Waugh Lab
John Walter Wayman, M.D. | Associate Professor of Clinical Otolaryngology (Part-Time) - Otolaryngology
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Miriam T. Weber, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Neurology - Movement Disorders Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology
| Cerebrovascular and Neurocognitive Research Group (CNRG)
Matthew J. Webster, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor of Clinical Radiation Oncology - Radiation Oncology
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Joseph E. Wedekind, Ph.D. | Professor - Biochemistry and Biophysics
| Wedekind Lab
Susan J. Wegman, D.O. | Clinical Associate Professor - Medicine - Primary Care Physicians
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Eric P. Weinberg, M.D. | Professor of Clinical Imaging Sciences - Imaging Sciences Vice Chair for Clinical Operations - Imaging Sciences
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Geoffrey A. Weinberg, M.D. | Professor - Pediatrics - Infectious Diseases
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Mara C. Weinstein Velez, M.D. | Associate Professor - Dermatology
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Robert Lawrence Weisman, D.O. | Professor - Psychiatry - Long Term Care
| Schizophrenia Treatment and Research Laboratory
Stan Lee Weiss, M.D. | Professor of Clinical Imaging Sciences - Imaging Sciences
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Holly T. Weldon, Ph.D. | Senior Instructor - Psychiatry - Psychology Senior Instructor - Orthopaedics Senior Instructor - Surgery - Surgery Education/Minimally Invasive
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Stephen L. Welle, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine - Endocrine/Metabolism
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Andrew M. Wensel, M.D. | Associate Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery - Neurosurgery Associate Professor of Clinical Neurology - Neurology - Stroke Division
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Jennifer C. West, Ph.D. | Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Psychiatry - Child & Adoles Serv
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Per-Lennart Westesson, M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Imaging Sciences
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Natalie Whaley, M.D., M.P.H. | Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Taylor S. Wheaton, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Critical Care
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Ann Marie White, Ed.D. | Associate Professor - Center for Community Health and Prevention Associate Professor - Clinical & Social Psychology Associate Professor - Psychiatry - Administration Associate Professor - Public Health Sciences
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Patricia M. White, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Neuroscience Associate Professor - Otolaryngology
| Patricia White Lab
R James White III, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor - Medicine - Pulmonary Diseases and Critical Care Professor - Pediatrics - Cardiology Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
| R. James White Lab
Christa L. Whitney-Miller, M.D. | Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Chair - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Frieda Robscheit-Robbins Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Vice Chair, Anatomic Pathology - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Therese Wiedmer, Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine
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Myra W. Wiener, M.D. | Professor of Clinical Medicine (Part-Time) - Medicine - General Medicine
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Danielle M. Wilbur, M.D. | Associate Professor - Orthopaedics
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Maryann B. Wilbur, M.D., M.P.H., M.H.S. | Research Assistant Professor (Part-Time) - Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Annalynn M. Williams, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Cancer Center Assistant Professor - Surgery - Cancer Control Assistant Professor - Public Health Sciences
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David R. Williams, Ph.D. | Professor - Ophthalmology
| Williams Lab
Geoffrey Colin Williams, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Medicine - General Medicine
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Jacqueline P. Williams, Ph.D. | Professor (Part-Time) - Environmental Medicine
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Mark R. Williams, M.D. | Assistant Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Zoe R. Williams, M.D. | Professor - Neurosurgery Associate Professor - Neurology Associate Professor - Ophthalmology
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Karen M. Wilson, M.D., M.P.H. | Co-Director - Clinical & Translational Science Institute Professor - Pediatrics - Pediatric Hospitalist Ruth A. Lawrence Professor in Pediatrics - Pediatrics Professor - Public Health Sciences
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Nicole A. Wilson, Ph.D., M.D. | Assistant Professor - Surgery - Pediatric Surgery Assistant Professor - Biomedical Engineering Assistant Professor - Pediatrics
| Wilson ECLIPSe Lab
Richard E. Wing, M.D. | Associate Professor - Medicine - Nephrology
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Axel W. E. Wismueller, M.D., M.Sc., Ph.D. | Professor - Electrical & Computer Engineering Professor - Imaging Sciences Professor - Biomedical Engineering
| Wismüller Lab
Richard N. Wissler, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor Emeritus - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Marsha N. Wittink, M.D., M.B.E. | Associate Professor - Psychiatry - Research Associate Professor - Family Medicine
| Laboratory of Integration Services for Complex Needs (LISCN)
Collynn Woeller, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S Assistant Professor - Ophthalmology Assistant Professor - Environmental Medicine
| Woeller Lab
Wojciech Wojciechowski, Ph.D. | Research Assistant Professor - Pediatrics - Center for Pediatric Biomedical Research
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Julie Ryan Wolf, Ph.D., M.P.H. | Associate Professor - Dermatology
| Wolf Lab
Aaron L. Womer, M.D. | Instructor - Surgery - Bariatric/GI
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Megan Lindsay Falsetta Wood, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology Associate Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
| Falsetta Lab
Nancy Ellen Wood, M.P.A., M.S. | Associate - Emergency Medicine - Emergency Research Admin
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Ronald Wesley Wood, Ph.D. | Research Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Obstetrics and Gynecology Research Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Neuroscience Research Associate Professor (Part-Time) - Urology
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James R. Woods, M.D. | Professor - Obstetrics and Gynecology
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Rachel A. F. Wozniak, M.D., Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Center for Visual Science A&S Associate Professor - Ophthalmology Associate Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
| Wozniak Lab
Terry W. Wright, Ph.D. | Associate Professor - Pediatrics - Infectious Diseases Associate Professor - Microbiology and Immunology
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Chia-Lung Wu, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Orthopaedics - Center for Musculoskeletal Research Assistant Professor - Biomedical Engineering
| Chia-Lung Wu Lab
Guan Wu, M.D., Ph.D. | Professor - Urology Professor - Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
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Isaac Y. Wu, M.D. | Associate Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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Jing Wu, Ph.D. | Assistant Professor - Medicine - Nephrology Assistant Professor - Pharmacology and Physiology
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Tongtong Wu, Ph.D. | Professor - Biostatistics and Computational Biology
| Tong Tong Wu Lab
Jeffrey Wyatt, D.V.M., M.P.H. | Professor - Comparative Medicine Director - Comparative Medicine Professor - Environmental Medicine
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Thomas Wychowski, M.D. | Associate Professor - Neurology - Epilepsy
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Celeste S. Wyman, Sc.M. | Senior Associate - Ophthalmology Senior Associate - Pediatrics - Genetics
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Peter Wyman, Ph.D. | Professor - Psychiatry - Child & Adoles Serv
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Julie A. Wyrobek, M.D. | Associate Professor - Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine
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