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Department of Pediatrics / Pediatric Faculty / Pediatric Faculty: Alphabetical Listing

Pediatric Faculty: Alphabetical Listing

A-C | D-H | J-L | M-N | O-R | S-V | W-Z


Rebecca Abell, DO
C. Andrew Aligne, MD
Jeffrey Andolina, MD
Courtney Aponte, PhD
Barbara L. Asselin, MD
Nader Atallah-Yunes, MD


Diana Bailey, MS
Katherine Baker, MD
Constance D. Baldwin, PhD
Gal Barbut, MD
Erin Barker, MD
Nathaniel Bayer, MD
Amy Bernardoni, PhD
Gisella Beutner, PhD
Soumyroop Bhattachayra, Med, MS
Grace Black, MD
Cynthia Bliss, MD
Joseph Bliss, MD
Steven Bondi, JD, MD
Erica Bostick, M
Benjamin Briggs, MD, PhD
Meghan Brunswick, DO
Michael D. Bulger, PhD
Amy Burris, MD
Jon-Ryan Burris, MD
Michele Burtner, MS
Tim Bushnell, PhD


Emily Calamaro, MGC, CGC
Melissa Carmen, MD 
Mary T. Caserta, MD
Brenna Cavanaugh, PsyD
Pradeepkumar Charla, MD
Divya Chhabra, MBBS, M.M.Sc.
Patricia R. Chess, MD, MS
Jill Cholette, MD
Chin-Yi Chu, MS
Pamela Clark, MD
Lynn L. Cole, DNP 
Garrett Coles, MD
Michael Collins, MD
Sarah Collins-McGowan, MD
Anne-Marie Conn, PhD
Heidi V. Connolly, MD
Margaret Connor, MD
Margarita Corredor, MD
Crystal Craig, MD


Rita Dadiz, DO
Carl T. D'Angio, MD
Colby L. Day, MD
David Dean, PhD
Jake Deines,  MD
Larry D. Denk, MD, FAAP
Rajiv Devanagondi, MD
Rachel E. Diamond, MD
Adam Dziorny, MD, PhD
Andrew Dylag, MD


Anne Fallon, MD
Nicholas Farris, MD
Fabeha Fazal, PhD
Steve W. Fedchak, PsyD
Jamie Flerlage, MD, MS
Timothy Flerlage, MD
Steven Fishberger, MD
Chin-To Fong, MD
Sean Frey, MD, MPH


Megan E. Gabel, MD
Anjali Jessica Gangaram, MD
Mykael García, MD
Susan Gasparino, MD
Caren Gellin, MD
Blair Germain, MD
Candace Gildner, MD, PhD
Erin Gosekamp, DO, MPH, MS
Katherine B. Greenberg, MD
Ronnie Guillet, MD, PhD
Jyotsna Gupta, M.D.
Rishi Gupta, MD


Jill S. Halterman, MD, MPH
Sema Hart, MD
Neil E. Herendeen, MD
Katherine Herman, MD, PhD
Andrea S. Hinkle, MD
John Horan, MD, MPH
Alexandra Hubbel, MS
Susan L. Hyman, MD


Suzannah J. Iadarola, PhD
Richard A. Insel, M.D.


Kirsi M. Jarvinen-Seppo, MD, PhD
Sandra H. Jee, MD, MPH
Lynnette Johnson, DO
Carl J. Johnston, PhD
Allyson Kristine Jordan, PhD


Jeffrey M. Kaczorowski, MD
Rafi Kazi, MD
Igor Khodak, MD
Paul D. Kingsley, PhD
Caroline Kirby, MD, MPH
Emily Knight, MD, PhD
Sneha Kolli, MD
David N. Korones, MD
Chavonne Kouassi, MD, MPH
Catherine Krafft, MD
Abigail Kroening, MD
Joseph Kuebler, MD, MBA
Dennis Kuo, MD, MHS


Marc B. Lande, MD, MPH
Amanda Laprime, MD
Nirupama Laroia, MD
Ann Marie Lenane, MD
Glenn Leonard, MD 
Michael Leonard, MD, MS
Alex V. Levin, MD
Robert Levy, MD
Gillian Schiralli Lester, PhD
Lynne Levato, PhD
Augusto Litonjua, MD, MP
Justin Lynn, MD, MPH



Matthew MacDougall, MD, MPH
Anna-Claire Marrone, MD
Jason Mandell. MD
William M. Maniscalco, MD
Thomas Mariani, PhD
Bethany Marston, MD
Susan Martin, MD
Linda L. Matons, MA
David B. McAdam, PhD
Elizabeth R. McAnarney, MD
Kathleen E. McGrath, PhD
Matthew McGraw, MD
Matthew McIntosh, MD
Meghan McLaughlin, MD
Cecilia C. Meagher, MD
Jamie Mehringer, MD
Olachi Mezu-Ndubuisi, MD, OD
Jeffrey Meyers, MD
Ayesa Mian, MD
Andrea Milne Wenderlich, MD
Ravi Misra, PhD
Desiree Mohney, MD
Christopher Monson, MD
Christina Mulé, PhD


Jennifer Nayak, MD
Suzie Noronha, MD
Maxwell Ridgeway Norris, MD


Michael A. O'Reilly, PhD
Joseph Daniel Orie, MD


James Palis, MD
Kathryn Palumbo, MD
Nishaben Patel, MD
Sherry S. Philip, MD
Jennifer Pier, MD
George Porter, Jr., MD, PhD
Rebecca Pratt, MD
Irina Prelipcean, MD, FAAP
Mallory Prideaux, MD
Julia Primo, MD
Esther Prince, MD
Gloria S. Pryhuber, MD
Jeffrey M. Purkerson, PhD


Michael Quinn, MD, PhD


Erin Rademacher, MD
Homaira Rahimi, MD
Arshad Rahman, PhD
Suzanne Ramazani, DO
Ajay Rana, MBBS, MS
Cynthia M. Rand, MD, MPH 
Megan Rashid, MD
Jessica Reiffer, MD
Heather Reyes, MD,M.Eng.
Julie E. Riccio, MD 
Laura Rohan, MS
Casey Rosen-Carole, MD, MPH, Med
Regina Rowe, MD, PhD


Olle Jane Z. Sahler, MD
Angela Sandell, M.D.
Kristin Scheible, MD 
Janice Schriefer, MBA, DrPh
Christina Schutt, DO
George J. Schwartz, MD
Antti Seppo, PhD
Shachi Shah, MBBS
Kenneth Shamlian, PsyD
Jessica Shand, MD, MHS
Daniel Sheehan, PhD, MD
Laura Jean Shipley, MD
Laura Silverman, PhD
Carol Fries Simpson, MD
Justin Smith, MD
Lindsay Smith, MS
Michele E. Smith, MD
Lauren Solan, MD, MEd
Tina Sosa, MD
Taylor Starr, DO, MPH
Laurie A. Steiner, MD 
Timothy P. Stevens, MD, MPH 
Britta Svoren, MD


Eran Tallis, MD
Alice L. Taylor, MD
Susan Taylor-Brown, PhD, MPH
Laura Tomaselli, MD
Katherine Tuttle, MD
Angela Tyson, DO



Stephanie Vachon, DO
Élise W. van der Jagt, MD, MPH
William S. Varade, MD
Adriana Verwey, MD
Monica Vielkind, MD, MS


Geoffrey A. Weinberg, MD
Taylor Wheaton, MD, FAAP
Susan Wiener, MD
Karen Wilson, MD, MPH
Wojciech Wojciechowski, PhD 
Jamie Wooldridge, M.D.
Terry W. Wright, PhD


Jeff Yaeger, MD
Daniel Yawman, MD 
Bridget Young, PhD
Jennifer Young, PhD
Susan M. "Shellie" Yussman, MD, MPH

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